With a falafel in his hand

He Died with a Felafel book coverFelafel in his hand - The movieWhile browsing through Amazon the other day, I came across a book entitled He Died with a Falafel in His Hand. And then, low and behold, I found out that they’d actually made the book into a movie, described as "a nightmare chase through hell in a never-ending, unrequited daisy chain of desire …" And better still, the film version (at least) "leaves the viewer entertained, exhausted and surprisingly reflective."

For some reason I found this to be extremely amusing. Without knowing anything about the book, I added it to my wish list (hint hint).It just sounds like too much fun!

Only half a million dollars, baby

Million_dollar_babySPOILER ALERT — I have wanted to talk about this movie for a while now but haven’t gotten around to it for one reason or another. Maybe it is because this film depressed me to no end, such that I found myself unable to jot down a simple word or two about it. Now that some time has passed, I feel compelled to talk about the effect that this production had upon me. From its title, Million Dollar Baby, I mistakenly thought the movie would be an upbeat beat success story about how the individual can conquer all and eventually win a million dollars. Boy, was I wrong. The movie ended on such a very depressing note. It was not at all what I expected from a movie that went home with this year’s best motion picture Oscar.

For some reason, I wanted the movie to inspire me, perk me up or even give me a new thought or two to contemplate. I don’t remember being as depressed after watching a film since seeing the House of Sand and Fog. I do have to admit that technically this movie was well made, however. Hillary Swank did a brilliant job that certainly merited her Oscar win. One sentence that stuck with me throughout the picture was: "She grew up knowing one thing, that she was trash." God, how depressing is that.

But as I’ve searched to find a bright side to this film, I only had to look as far as its star, Hillary Swank, who’s inspiring story mirrors that told in the film in some ways. As a girl who herself grew up in a trailer, Swank had nothing but a dream, a dream that has thus far secured her two Oscars. Now that is what I call the realization of the American dream.

So if you were to ask me if the film deserves a "Best Motion Picture" Oscar I would say yes and no. Yes, because it was very well made (edited and directed) and the acting was superb. And no, because I thought the Aviator was better on a number of other levels that made it more deserving of this title. Here is my review of that film.

King abolishes Jordan cabinet

According to this BBC report, His Majesty was unhappy with the now defunct cabinet for a number of reasons, prompting him to send them packing. Although historically cabinets are usually short-lived in the kingdom, this sudden change seems somehow more serious.

The analysis lists one of the king’s reasons for dissatisfaction with the cabinet as its handling of the diplomatic row with Iraq that followed the al-Hilla bombing. Ah, al-Ghad, the controversy just keeps snowballing! Amazing!

One small piece of inflammatory journalism led to the dismissal of Jordan’s cabinet. I will make sure to tell this story to my journalism students if I ever one day become a media professor (which I highly doubt).

However, let’s stay hopeful here. Maybe a new cabinet is just what the doctor ordered these days, particularly following the recent plethora of media-fueled attacks against Jordan. Let’s hope a new cabinet can bring about major reform and assist Jordan on its path towards democracy. To the skeptical, I would say your opinion won’t affect me. I love my country and will always hope for better days.

Update: The new cabinet list was released today [Thursday March 7] and is up on the newswire for anyone that is interested.