While browsing through Chan’ad’s blog, I realized that the Jordan First campaign might have left its mark on the people of Bahrain. Chan’ad took a picture of a Bahrain First sign displayed along the side of a Bahrain street (on the right) and posted it on his blog. I’ve put it here alongside the Jordanian original for comparison.
And some say Jordanians are not creative?!?
Does anyone have pics of our new campaign? This one is kind of old.
The new one Ana Al Urdun (I Am Jordan) is much better I think.
It is a nationalist campaign and a little communist (the faceless hands).
Nationalism is the only hope we have left. I think about Arabs daily, but I must be strong to be “my brother’s keeper.”
I quote Natasha “it is putting the priorities of the country before the priorities of its neighbouring countries”
Roba: it might come as a surprise but we are not distinct entities, we are one nation that shares almost everything, and we will keep going down untill you people realize that!
The concept of Jordan first, as I understand it, is that the issues that matter to Jordan and its development come before any other issue in the region. In a way, it is putting the priorities of the country before the priorities of its neighbouring countries. In a nutshell, let’s spend our energies on making Jordan a better place.
According to Chanad, Bahrian first is intended to tell the opposition to focus on developing their country before anything else… i guess.
…Which again make me asks (and no one has responded) who are the Bahrainis putting first? I get the deal in Jordan (chicken versus meat mansuf) but what does it mean in Amman?