The website Middle East Window picked up my story about Jordanian bloggers. That’s fantastic for the Jordanian blogging community. Soon enough Jordanian bloggers will conquer the world! 😉
Jordanian bloggers get more exposure
by Natasha Tynes | Apr 9, 2005 | Jordan, my nation, Weblogs | 5 comments
Middle East Window gets more exposure…
Way to go Natasha 🙂 Thanks
Brian, all of our camels come standard with OnStar and a navigation system. Why then do you think we don’t have computers and internet access?
Wait, I know the answer. You’re ignorant.
At least Brian H, we have the charisma to chat and “tagg 7anak” more than any other nation. Sometimes we even argue for the sake of it.
Well, maybe JOIN the world, anyway. First, get computers and internet access.