I’m fascinated by the amount of angry messages and "Wall posts" I’m getting on my Facebook page from my friends these days after I announced that I’m supporting Hillary for president (for reasons that I do not wish to delve into now). Most of the angry messages came from my Jordanian/Arab friends who made sure to tell me that they do not agree with me. Here are some examples:
Come on now, she flip flops, she is owned by the Jewish lobby and she has a one sided view of the Arab Israeli conflict. She is no Bill.
Boooo…. Obama…Obama!
Why Hillary she is a devil wearing Prada…Because she is a woman ?!!
I am aware that Hillary is a pretty divisive choice but I never realized how much she is hated in the Arab World until now. I guess I have been away from the Middle East for a long time and now I’m no longer connected with the "Arab street." However, I’m not backing down. I’m someone who believes in the individual’s freedom of choice. By that I mean a choice that stands on its own that is not influenced by the preference of a community or society. I’m at a stage of my life where I no longer want to chant the same song with a familiar crowd. I want to chant my own song and make individual decisions. So for that I say, go Hillary.
“1- Health care
2- I want the Clintons back in the White House
3- She has enough experience that will make me breath easy
4- It is about time for the US to have a female president
5- Obama seems a bit naive to me and unrealistic.
6- Edwards annoys me and he annoyed me even more with his sexist remarks about Hillary”
I would like to step in here a minute. I know many people who are voting for Hillary and many who are voting for Obama. As Kucinich and Paul have no chance, I will vote for Obama.
I will explain why as a counter to Natasha’s reasons for voting for Hillary. BTW, I am a life long American involved in the Palestinian issue and have friends in Gaza and Lebanon.
1. Hillary’s health care plan won’t work. Tax credits to pay for it are irrelevant to people who live from paycheck to paycheck, and in America there are many and the numbers are growing. When you are in that situation, another $50 will throw you over the edge. She doesn’t understand that. And them she wants to penalize you if you don’t purchase it. Many of her campaign contributors are CEO’s of America’s health care providers, those most likely to benefit should her plan succeed. Obama gets the part that people don’t have it because they can’t afford it.
2. I would like Bill back in the White House. I didn’t like the Hillary the first time she was there and I don’t want her there now.
3. What experience does she have? She is a two term senator from NY, who’s really from Illinois. She chose not to run aqainst Obama in her home state. Why? Because all the money and power are in NY. Other than being a two term senator, she has never held a public office, she was a lawyer, like a million other people who run for office. She probably never owned a home until the one they bought in NY because before that they lived in the White House and prior to that they lived in the Governor’s mansion in Arkansas. I doubt she has experience running a household let alone a country. At least Obama was a community organizer/activist and served in the Illinois legislature, and practiced law. That’s experience. being the wife of a governor or president is not.
4. It’s time for the U.S. to have a female president, but if you don’t have the RIGHT female president, you’ll never have another one. Jane Byrne was the first female mayor of Chicago, and we were paying for her fiscal irresponsibility for a decade after she left. No woman has ever dared run again. They will lose.
5. Obama is neither naive nor unrealistic. He grew up in a former slave state as a bi-racial child living with a white woman in the 60’s. Not a good time or place for that and not an environment that would produce naivete. Hillary, on the other hand, grew up in an upper middle class all white suburb of Chicago, which to this day is only .9 African-American.She neither understands, no has ever lived, like the vast majority of Americans. Her policies reflect this. Her plan to fix the “housing crisis” is reflective of her lack of understanding of it. You can’t force banks, who borrow money to loan YOU money,to refinance the loan at lower rates. THEY will then take the loss and the banks will fail. Her plan also wants to bail out people who took mortgages up to $650,000. Sorry, she’s bailing out the Wall Street jerks who caused these problems to begin with and bought houses with the millions in bonuses they got while they were busy screwing the American people.
6. I liked Edwards but didn’t entirely trust him.
If you want someone who will be an honest broker for the Palestiniaan cause, or even Lebanon or Syria, Hillary has had numerous donations from the Sabans and Martin Indyk, former Ambassador to Israel and the director of the Saban Center, which, if you recall, invited Lieberman to speak after he as much as said the Palestinians should be wiped off the map. hillary Clinton spoke with him.
Obama takes no PAC money. His money comes from individual donations. He has the fewest people who list their occupation as lobbyist, of any of the candidates. He is NOT a Washington insider, which was also one of Bill Clinton’s strengths. Hillary is. And she owes people.
I’ve voted in every election since 1972. I’ve seen what happens when the bought and beholden are elected to public office. It directly affects their policies. Please do not be so shortsighted as to believe Hillary is a woman, therefore she is just like me. Hillary is a politician. If you really listen to her, she says we should vote for her “because I (she) can win” not because she will do the best job as president. She says she has experience in campaigns. That’s nice, but after the campaign is over, she has to be president and she will be president at a time when we are fighting two wars, a failed economy rapidly falling into a depression, the potential for a worldwide recession, allies that can’t agree on anything, and Israel ramping up to bomb Iran.
Yet she cries on the campaign trail because she takes this personally and she doesn’t understand why people don’t like her.
Sorry, I don’t want a president who just wants to be popular and will therefore change policies as the polls go, and I certainly don’t want one who will break down in a negotiation or a cabinet meeting and cry.
Everyone is entitled to vote their choice and I respect that, but please give it a little more thought and research before you decide. All of you.
Here are a couple of links to help you figure out just who is paying for them.
Neither Obama, nor Hillary is going to win. It is just a simple prediction that I am glad to have it archived in this blog until final presidency elections are finalized.
But if what you’re saying is true, and every presidential candidate has been bought by the same big boys, then they would not have conflicting agendas, or it wouldn’t make much difference for the average American to choose candidate A or candidate B.
They must be bought by different people then, but in that case, the most important question here arises. Which one do you end up voting for? It must be the one who has been bought by parties whose agendas you agree with, which puts you in the same group as the often villified yet mysteriously mass-endorsed “big boys,” be they the big boys who bought candidate A, or the ones who bought candidate B.
what is facebook???
dm, yes I saw Sicko, good documentary except for that trip to Cuba , if the Moore and his group were treated just like any Cuban patient at least one of them would have ended up with a disability.
I’m a doctor in Arizona I could totally relate to what Sicko was talking about, I can write a very large book -and I’m sure you can- about how health insurances are crippling health care in America. One of the main rwasons is the crazy lawsuits. A patient might suffer from an expected complication from a surgery and he would end up winning a lawsuit against the hospital for a incredible compensation, so the hospital and doctor loses and doctors wnd up ordering an endless list of unncesessary tests just to protect their butts. The cost goes up big time, also malpractise insurances are so high as well. I’m not sure a lawyer can fix that or want to in the first place.
Cynthia Mckinney? LMAO. Giving your vote to her for what?
Any Democrat who is stupid enough NOT to support the Dem nominee no matter who he/she is, better not complain when we end up with a Republican in office again.