I’m not really sure why I can’t understand the logic behind the court sentencing mentioned in the article below. Perhaps it is because it is the end of the day and I’m too tired to fully grasp what I read in the Monday edition of The Jordan Times. Can anyone shed some light? Does the article below really state that a man that kills his daughter can get a reduced sentence because of a claim that his daughter "left home without his permission and cursed him"?
The Criminal Court has sentenced a 41-year-old man to seven-and-a-half years in prison after convicting him of murdering his daughter following a domestic argument in November 2006. The tribunal first handed Mohammad A. a 15-year prison term after convicting him of bludgeoning his daughter to death with a club at their family’s home on November 23. But the court immediately reduced the sentence to half "to help the defendant in life and because the victim left home without his permission and cursed him." Source: [The Jordan Times]
If this really is what I think it is then I’m simply speechless. I really have had it with the blatant dehumanization going on in the society in which I grew up. At this moment of my life, I truly believe that Jordan needs to set the investment in malls and towers aside, and instead invest in restructuring its judicial system.
aish? leish sakatou?
Thanks so much for this post.
I liked what you said about malls etc.
My first reaction when I went to Jordan two years ago and saw all the “growth” was to notice that so little actual growth had taken place where we needed it.
There was no real understanding about what it should mean to be a citizen and to be equal and treat others equally.
People were still being unethical to each other, littering, committing honour crimes without any real punishment.
Egyptians and Sri-Lankans and Philipinos were still being enslaved.
Poor refugees from Arab countries lived hellish lives.
The rich were getting richer and the poor poorer.
The urban growth and expansion was coming without any planning.
What should it mean for Jordan to undergo growth?
It seemed the deeper question was being ignored in favour of something superficial.
The globalisation and capitalism is young and aggressive and disturbing.
On some level it was too much for me to bear.
Mohannad,, What criticism has to do in living in any country??
ما هذا المنطق الاعواج؟؟اذا انا غايش ÙÙŠ أمريكا يجب علي أن أكتم Ùمي وأسكت عن جرائم جورج بوش ÙÙŠ العراق ÙˆÙÙŠ Ùلسطين ولبنان,,وأذا كنت عايش ÙÙŠ ألاردن ,لايØÙ‚ لي أن أنتقد سياسات الملك الساÙره؟ يا رجل Ø±Ø§Ø ØªÙˆØ§Ø¬Ù‡ مشاكل عديده عندما تبدء ÙÙŠ كتابه رساله الدكتوره لي أنو منطقق أعوج
But islamists are singing for the king all day long, or it it ok for them?Hmm.. Anyway I suggest that you re-read my comments here before I hear your -I hate the king, I hate the islamists, I hate america but still I live in it, I hate everything but do nothing mentality,you don’t have any credibility at least with me.
And again nobody answered my question about the survey? Or is it the mukhabarat who told jordanian women to be OK with honor killings and abuse!
“enough is enough.”
Bite me:P
mohannad,,your popular CD songs( I love the King and I hate the Islamists) are becoming boring redundant and has no value ,enough is enough.
I suck at math, so please enlighten me with more stats from your dreams! So 80% of jordan is in urban areas.Well hear this, 50% of jordanians from urban areas reside in amman and when they vote they vote in their original city(un-liberal, less educated) so it makes sence:P
And FYI jordanians in azraq, badiya , salt, maan, karak, etc.. are way more educated and liberal than your urban amman and zarqa! If you don’t know I suggest that you take your car out of urban amman and drive to those areas, knock on the doors and ask how many Doctors and engineers and PhD holders they have, then after that drive back to urban amman and sip some coffee at starbucks that made you more “urban” and “liberal”!
I just read about a village in azraq, its population is 800 and they have 20 PhD holders, wierd right? Maybe they have goals in life other than being urban and liberal by your definition!
i said more liberal and more educated than lets say Azraq or Northern Badya. try Reading 01.
as for 80%:
50% of legislator is appointed by king though Majlis A3yaan.
30% of MP seats come from tribal regions.
20% of MP seats come from urban regions.
PM and Ministers are appointed by king.
Do the math. If you can’t. try Math 01.