I’m not really sure why I can’t understand the logic behind the court sentencing mentioned in the article below. Perhaps it is because it is the end of the day and I’m too tired to fully grasp what I read in the Monday edition of The Jordan Times. Can anyone shed some light? Does the article below really state that a man that kills his daughter can get a reduced sentence because of a claim that his daughter "left home without his permission and cursed him"?
The Criminal Court has sentenced a 41-year-old man to seven-and-a-half years in prison after convicting him of murdering his daughter following a domestic argument in November 2006. The tribunal first handed Mohammad A. a 15-year prison term after convicting him of bludgeoning his daughter to death with a club at their family’s home on November 23. But the court immediately reduced the sentence to half "to help the defendant in life and because the victim left home without his permission and cursed him." Source: [The Jordan Times]
If this really is what I think it is then I’m simply speechless. I really have had it with the blatant dehumanization going on in the society in which I grew up. At this moment of my life, I truly believe that Jordan needs to set the investment in malls and towers aside, and instead invest in restructuring its judicial system.
And your stats came from?
Last night dream?
“when 80% of Jordanians in urban centers who are more educated and more liberal are allotted less than 20% of ”
Liberal, 80% is that san fransisco?
” you can’t always blame the government for eveything that you failed in.”
another smart western-educated arab. don’t blame the government, blame the people. is this what you learned from living in US? poor Bush. if only he were Jordanian. he could have been president for life because it’s never his fault.
when 80% of Jordanians in urban centers who are more educated and more liberal are allotted less than 20% of representation in Jordan’s bogus legislative body, do you expect them to make a difference? you rig the elections, resulting in retarded governments, then you blame the people you have marginalized for failing to change things.
Like you, I was disgusted with this report when I read it. Fortunately you can sense the author’s sarcasm in the writing.
Actually, the “islamists” can’t afford to loose the support of some tirbal face figures for the sake of some women, so yes what you call “islamists” do sell relegion when it comes to their political gains.
“it’s also your “centrist” pro-regime bloc that preserved honor killing.” So me stating my opinion puts me in a political Bloc just like you descirbed, and assumming that I am what you said that gives you the right to kill me? Twisted logic ain’t it? But hey when you fail you blame, so nothing new.
The jordanian community is a tribal one wether you like it or not and for culture to change it needs long time and more education, the government is not innocent but you can’t always blame the government for eveything that you failed in. And I don’t know where you people get your “facts” from, you believing in something doesn’t make it right!
And none of you commented on the survey where the majority jordanian women were more than OK with honor killings and wife abuse? Isn’t that democracy, thats what women want(Jordanian edition) 😛
Blame, Blame, Blame..Then Fail, fail and fail more!!Why don’t you educate and raise awareness rather than keep saying BLAH BLAH BLAH..
This is exactly what you think it is. People, in the most literal sense, getting away with murder. I wish we here in the West could display a better judicial system as an example, or anyone for that matter. Despite any efforts the Rule of Law, 90% of the time, gets abused. While a case like the one you mentioned is strikingly inhumane, the root of courthouse crisis’s, is in the ancient, often religious, traditions blanketing the region as a whole. For example, execution by stoning for adulterers and amputating limbs for thieves.
mohannad [Actually urduni the government and the royal family pushed for changing the law but the parliment and especially islamists opposed the change]
Really? so the royal court passes unpopular laws on normalizing with zionists and other killers of arabs as well as other controversial issues such as the new repressive NGO law, amongst dozens of controversial royal decrees that the parliament cannot challenge, but cannot change the honor killing law? that’s strange. or is it possible that the lives of poor Jordanian women are so cheap and that they are best used as disposable tools to score political points against the islamists? as a matter of fact you are dishonest when you blame the islamists since it was NOT the islamists alone who are behind honor killing laws, it’s also your “centrist” pro-regime bloc that preserved honor killing.
I neant the king does not want to amend
Mohannad,,don’t you keep blaming the people for their problem,you and I know,”Jordanian” government or I must say the king and his wife are in charge of this government ,and there are reasons the king does want to change or amend the constitution and laws that pertain to women rights in Jordan.
As you know the king has fig leaf legitimacy in Jordan,especially with Jordanians from Palestinian origin,and for him to protect what’s left of that fig leaf legitimacy has to keep the tribal backing that has always resisted any changes to women human rights laws.
Actually urduni the government and the royal family pushed for changing the law but the parliment and especially islamists opposed the change. Another point, surveys showed that majority of jordanian women are ok-or even advocate-for violence against women, emad hajjaj once had his take on this specific survey. So it is not always the government, sometimes it is the people, right?
You Know Natcha,,I like to thank you for bringing this issue up,but i must say women in Jordan have been pacified for long time by “our” government ,and its time for women to mobilise and organise,you and I can talk about this issue as much as we can,but nothing will change for the betterment of women in Jordan or the Arab world at large,unless we organise and mobilise public opinion.