I really do not understand why, in this day and time, there are some people that are still hung up on the issue of East Bankers vs. West Bankers. I’m talking about a comment I received yesterday by someone calling themselves "Fairfax Boy." Here is Fairfax Boy’s contribution to the discussion about Amman’s urban development.
Palestinians built Amman from the ground up. you East Bankers have a lot to learn.
Will we ever evolve beyond this endless and pointless argument? Geez!
Ø±Ø§Ø Ø§Ø¹Ø·ÙŠ مثال على قضية الانتماء
اليوم الخميس بتاريخ 15 اذار ,لعب Ùريق الÙيصلي لكرة القدم ممثل الاردن مبارته ضد Ùريق ÙˆÙاق سطي٠الجزائري ÙÙŠ الدور نص٠النهائي لكرة القدم لدوري ابطال العرب لكرة القدم وانتهت المباراة بالتعادل السلبي وبÙور الÙيصلي ببطاقة التاهل للدور النهائي ليلعب مباراته القادمة ضد Ùريق الزمالك المصري
انا عمري ما Øبيت كرة القدم وعمري ما شاهدت مبارة كرة قدم ÙÙŠ الاستاد او ÙÙŠ على التلÙاز ,ولكني مهتم بالجوانب المتعلقة بالمباريات لان جماهير مكرة القدم تعطي تصور عن الجماهير والشعب
ارجو من الجميع القاء النطر على هذا الرابط
وهو لمنتدى Ùريق الوخدات لمتابعة المباراة
ما يقارب 13 ال٠مشاركة من مشجع ÙˆØداتي يتابعون المباراة
يدعون الله ويبتهلون ان ÙŠÙوز الÙريق الجزائري على الÙريق الاردني
وعند نهاية المباراة وعندما يتاهل الÙريق الاردني Ùانهم يعزون بعظهم ويبكون Øزنا بسبب Ùوز الÙريق الاردني وتاهله ليمثل الاردن ÙÙŠ الدور النهائي لدور ابطال العرب
المهم ,انا متاكد انو معظمكو Ø±Ø§Ø ÙŠÙ‚ÙˆÙ„ شو هل التÙاهة! او شو عل الاهمية وشو دخلو بالموضوع؟
انا اهنمامي بالموضوع انوذكرني بØرب الخليج 1990
Øيث انا عائلتي اصلا من اربد ولكن والدي وعائلتي عاشت بالكويت لمدة اربعين عام
عندما دخل الجيش العراقي الى الكويت بكل بهمجيته ,انقلب اكثر من نص٠مليون Ùلسطيني معظمهم ÙŠØملون الجنسية الاردنية ضد الكويت وضد البلد الذي عاش معظمهم Ùيه الدهر باكمله ,ضد الكويت وشعبه ووقÙوا يجانب صدام والجيش العراقي اللي والله معظمه قطاع طرق
ÙÙŠ اللØظة هاي سالت Ù†Ùسي , كي٠وليش عملوا الÙلسطنين هيك؟ وكي٠Ùدروا يقلبوا مرة واØدة على الكويت وشعبها ,علما بانهم كانوا يعيشون كملوك ÙÙŠ الكويت
ولØد الان ليس عندي اجابة
والسؤال الاخر ,لو Øدث ما Øدث ÙÙŠ الاردن ,Ùهل سو٠يتصرÙون Ù†Ùس التصرق؟
اعتقد ان الاجابة نعم ولو اني لا اعلم لماذا
انا شخصيا ما عندي اي مشكلة مع الاردنين ذو الاصل الÙلسطيني Ùˆ ما عندي مثلا يكون رؤساء الوزراء منهم كمثال
ولكن المهم انهم يكونوا منتمين الى الاردن وهذا هو المهم ,ولكن للاس٠معظمهم لا يوجد عنده اي انتماء للوطن ,وهذا يشعرني بالخو٠على الاردن مستقبلا ويشعرني بهدم الامان من جانبهم اذا Øدث شي ÙÙŠ المستقبل
Ùˆ رابط المنتدي يعطيكم مثال على Ù†Ùسياتهم واذا كان يوجد عندهم ذرة من الانتماء لوطننا الØبيب الاردن
To Rambling :
thanks 4 called me genius , thats was nice from you .
ok back to our topic, let me mabye god open opend ur mind for a while !
am not arrgue with you about Palestinians and the despotism aginest them, as a jordanian as every jordanian , Palestin is our love and our dream to back it , about the palestinians and jordanians ,orgins and culture they are almost same , and palestinians are the nearest people to us ,if we are not the same .
i hope that clear .
what am arrgue and i dont accept to hear a sick plastinian say’s
“Palestinians built Amman from the ground up. you East Bankers have a lot to learn.”
and i wonder how come those forget what jordan give then!
how come they are not thankfull !
dont they have a mind and heart to compare between what jordan and jordanian give them comparing to the other arab countrys “those who are stronger and more rich for sure than jordan ”
i wonder why they mean to be so aggressive with us !
manyother things ….
i hope that those people learn to love jordan ,after that all jordanians will calll them pure jordanians.
lastly alhamdulleah jordan is free and not occupied as u siad , except if u consider the jordanian police and aramy are jewish or americans !
God Bless Jordan
For those geniuses mumbling about how the cowardly palestinians fled their homes I have a refrence, I dont know if they read or if they care to get educated , read Illan Pappe’s book “The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine”. To quote a reviewer: “Pappe demonstrates how ethnic cleansing was not a circumstance of war, but rather a deliberate goal of combat for early Israeli military units led by David Ben-Gurion, whom Pappe labels the “architect of ethnic cleansing.” The forced expulsion of 800,000 Palestinians between 1948-49″.
An even more important point is that Jordan controlled the west bank after the 48 war, and to ligitimize the annexation, the Monarchy issued “its subjects” citizinship to legitamise the move. thus you have modern day jordanians of palestinian origin, no thanks to you or any smart alec who thinks he knows what he is talking about. We are one people families roots cris-cross across the river, and it takes people like the genius hassan to re-write history, a racist bigot who was brainwashed to think in a narrow mind, wake up, you and your likes are what dividing a greater , stronger, more unified jordan, wake up and claim what is righfully yours, your country that has been taken away from you, wover said that jordan is a free country, its just as occupied as palestine, only worse no one seems to realize it.
Consider this, a recent study said thousands of young Americans and Israelis are being trained to speak, read, understand, and write arabic. MOST of those are learning Arabic for the sole purpose of being intelligence analysts and operatives. the web is a very useful training ground.
for every one who seems obsessed with east vs. west bunkers issue, thousands more do not give a damn about this issue.
but i will tell you this. something creepy is going on on the web and at the political stage and in hot zones around the arab world. there are concerted efforts to fragment the Arabs into sects, ethnicities, ideologies. I view with great suspicion every mother fucker who is involved in such divisive discussions, ESPECIALLY when we cannot verify the identity of the person. That being said, I do not confuse dislike for authoritarian rule with patriotism. There is NO relationship between disliking a regime and loalty to a country. even though many regimes to try to position themselves as symbols of the country a country is the people and the land.
Natasha thanks for rising this topic .
onething i always think about it,
why many people like to put this statement “Palestinians built Amman from the ground up. you East Bankers have a lot to learn” which i totaly disagree with it .”
by the way i heard it many mand manytimes , at school and my degree in jordan,and my master degree in UK from a guys who have Jordanian Passport.
Why the same people put another statement ” 80% of the jordanians are from pal orgin” for sure i dont belive also with this statement cause its totaly unlogical,even some media as Al-Jazeera which is an Western Tv channle with strange Goals as i think .
the point here is not to dsicuss if the satements are true or wrong.
what i want to say is ,those people are being so aggressive with the only people in the world who deal with them fair and kindly “jordanians” .
the Question that i dont have its answer, Why they mean to be so aggressive with us? and what is the Goal for saying it?
please if anyone have the answer “including FairFax ” ,then tell me and i will be thankfull 4 you.