I was extremely disturbed to read (via What’s in up in Jordan) that Jordanian columnist Abd Allah al Qaq has openly asked [in Arabic] in Al-Dustour daily for the death penalty to be imposed on the Afghan, Abdul Rahman, who converted to Christianity. I guess every author is entitled to his opinion, but calling for the death of someone who chose to change religions is something I just cannot tolerate. It also seems that Al-Qaq is not the only one who wants Abdul Rahman dead. Sigh!
Hundreds of people protested in a northern Afghan city following reports that a man who faced a possible death penalty for converting to Christianity would be released, officials said. About 700 Muslim clerics and others chanted "Death to Bush" and other anti-Western slogans in Mazar-e-Sharif on Monday, officials told The Associated Press. Clerics have called for protests across Afghanistan against both the government and the West, which had pressured President Hamid Karzai’s administration to drop the case against Abdul Rahman. Source: [CNN]
Westerners and Americans should know that all the money, souls and efforts put to spread ‘democracy’ will not save a single soul like Abdu Alrahman. You are deceiving yourselves. This time, one man barely made it out of execution or imprisonment under the pressure of America and Europe and the international community ( if he can escape getting killed out of prison). And who knows how many people out there with similar situations with no body to blow the wistle as in this case.
If the government lets him go, then his blood is on his head and Afghanistan doesn’t have to worry about enforcing the death penalty. His life won’t be miserable, it just won’t be much longer.
Jareer, this isn’t Brad and Angelina. I’m really glad Natasha brings it up, and i hope it is discussed to the point people finally get sick of the implications and change some laws.
i am glad i share this guy’s last name, although all of this sounds like a PR stunt.
This subject – and other related- has been overdiscussed here. What kind of chronic disease this ideology is implicted with !
If the poor guys survives the death penalty, he needs to get out of Afghanistan because his life will be miserable