While on the subject of all things Turkey, Muscati & wife posted a picture of this toilet they found in a newly remodeled building in Muscat.
For those that are not from this part of the world, this is what we commonly refer to as a "Turkish toilet" and it can still be found in a number of public bathrooms across the Middle East. And yes, it can be still found in Turkey. I came across one in Istanbul nearly two years ago.
I’m one of those who is totally grossed by this "hole" and wish they would stop making this monstrosity. Read the comments as well, they are eye-opening and very detailed 😉 I hope this didn’t
gross you out 😉 I just thought that this "hole" was worth highlighting. Enjoy!
Via: [Chan’ad]
yes jareer you could come back and scroll over it to see if its gone. you dont have to click on it and keep commenting if you dont like it so much;) i just like arguing with you jareer for the sake of argiung. nothing personal.
You are wrong , Linda
I don’t keep coming back. You do.
If I did, thats because I want to see it removed. With all due respect Natasha, nothing stays. Once more, this proves you always side against me no matter what. I should start using reversed psychology. Keep this post please, never remove it ! Its funny, entertaining and your readers seem glued to it. keep up the good work.
Jareer, I have to admit I’m enjoying this post. Therefore it is here to stay;-))
the fact that you keep coming back to comment on it jareer shows you at least still find it entertaining 😉
Do you still find this post entertaining? Give me a break (or a clutch).