Going home

Jessica and Amy at Iraq el Amir

I just got my exit permit — my ticket to freedom out of this country — so we are all set to go to Amman. Three days left ladies and gentlemen … three days!

I’m really looking forward to this trip and excited most of all about spending the festive holiday season with my family and friends. I’m also looking forward to our first Jordanian bloggers meeting. After almost five months of our blogging exchange we will finally meet. It should be a memorable experience.

But of all those things that I can’t wait to do in Amman and all the people that I’m pining to spend time with, I just can’t wait to see my wonderful nieces Jessica and Amy.

Depressing news of the day

Mentally-ill girl who was sold for sex faces death penalty in Iran

A teenage girl with a mental age of eight is facing the death penalty for prostitution in Iran. The trial comes only four months after the hanging of another mentally ill girl for sex before marriage in a case that has prompted a human rights lawyer to prepare a charge of wrongful execution against the presiding judge.
The girl, known as Leyla M, is in prison while the Supreme Court decides on her "acts contrary to chastity," among the most serious charges under Iranian law. Under the penal code, girls as young as nine and boys as young as 15 can be executed.

If this can be condoned, then the world really is going down the drain. Just wondering, are there people out there who still sing the praises of the revolution?

Source: [The Independent]

Poll results

Palestinian president poll results

According to Mental Mayhem’s opinion poll results, the majority of voters on this blog endorse Marwan Barhghuti for Palestinain president. I hate to disappoint you ladies and gentlemen, but Barghuthi is now out of the race.

Still on the issue of polls. I have added a new one inspired by our friends, the Iranians, who hate our guts 😉 Here is the vote:

How do you refer to the Gulf?

  1. The Arabain Gulf
  2. The Persian Gulf
  3. Just the Gulf

Make your voice heard! The vote is in the upper left corner of this blog.

An image from Jordan

Inspired by Roba’s quest for images from Jordan, I decided to highlight one snapshot from Jordan that I took a couple of years ago while visiting Um Qais, a Greco-Roman ruin in the north of the kingdom. This picture is a favorite of mine, as it shows the melding of two diverse cultures from two different eras on the same ground.

Father and son walk thru Um Qais