Jerash festival

I’m really looking forward to Jerash Festival this year that, fortunately, will take place while we are in Jordan. I have always enjoyed the activities during the festival and I owe that to my parents who used to take me and my two sisters there every summer to attend at least one of the international shows playing there.

I remember the first time I went there I got fascinated by the vibrant atmosphere of the festival. Until now, I remain a devoted fan. Any Jerash fans out there? Below is an article in Arabic which summarizes this year’s schedule. Take a look!


Radio tunes

A recent discovery has added new flavour to my life: Access to the English Radio station Virgin. The other day, I discovered we can listen to Virgin through our TV satellite subscription from Orbit. Virgin really rocks! It can keep me entertained for hours with a huge playlist of English pop.

I got hooked on Virgin back in those carefree days working for my Masters in London at City University. Back then, lacking access to a TV, my Sony radio, which I brought all the way from Jordan, supplied my daily entertainment. It was while flippng around on it that I discovered Virgin. I remember spending hours listening to some of my favourite British bands such as Coldplay, Travis, Radiohead, the Dandy Warhols and others.

Now Virgin tunes are in my Doha home and life is great!

Opera and pancakes

weekend started with the Barber
of Seville
. The presentation at the Sheraton Hotel was okay but not that impressive. The vocalists voices were not strong enough and they sang in English, which was really the big disappointment!

It is supposed to be in Italian, a foreign language! That’s the whole point of any opera! You are not supposed to understand the lyrics, just enjoy the music :). Anyway, I guess the Middle East is a good place for amateurs to practice before they make it in the real world.

The rest of the weekend was movies, pancakes and more movies. We saw The Omen, Wag the Dog, No Good Deed, Artificial Intelligence and Laurel Canyon

The Omen was great but No Good Deed was the pinnacle of horridness!

The Barber of Seville

Yes, the opera is coming to Doha.
Jeff got the tickets last night. It’s this Thursday at the Sheraton Hotel and I can’t wait. I’m glad cultural events are making their way here. It is not as bad we thought, actually this place keeps getting better!

Bryan Adams

So Bryan Adams was in Jordan! It seems like failed artists are finding a niche for themselves in the Middle East. EEEEEEEEEEEW what a horible picture they had of him in The Jordan Times.

Here is the article in Arabic. The link should stay active longer than the mere week things stay live on Jordan Times’ website.