Good news!

So I have been working all day! Yes, it is New Year’s day, but I didn’t have a choice. The managing editor was nice enough to let me come in at 10:00 am instead of 7:00 am which was somehow acceptable!

Yesterday I received an official letter stating that I passed my probabtion period at Al jazeera. Now, I am an official Jazeera employee ๐Ÿ™‚ Good news ๐Ÿ™‚

Jeff and I had a cozy dinner last night at an Italian restaurant at the Ramada Hotel called “The Italian Job”. We had a really good time as it was our first New Year’s Eve together as husband and wife ๐Ÿ™‚

It is a busy day today and I have to get back to work.

Sequels and more

So I was off and we really had a good day! Woke up at 1:00 PM, then started moving at around 3:30. We had lunch at Chili’s. Man their portions are so big, they are actually humongous. What kind of people are those capable of finishing Chili’s portions? Are they really homosapien?
After lunch, we went to Doha’s second biggest mall โ€œLandmark.โ€ We prefer it over the other one, โ€œCity Centreโ€ because it is less crowded. We continued our post Christmas shopping. I got black pants and slippers while Jeff got really cool, funky shirts from his favorite shop in Doha, Zara.

After finishing the shopping, we got ourselves tickets for Matrix Revolutions that was showing at Landmark’s movie theatre. What did I think of the movie? Well, I’m just glad it is the last sequel of the Matrix . I think it was overkill I don’t get it when movie makers decide to smother us with sequels whenever a certain flick makes it big. Don’t they realize that you can’t recreate beauty! Anyway, just a thought!

The good, the bad and the really ugly

Well, the real state agent turned out to be crap, as he didn’t show up! Anyway! Some office excitment happened this morning, including some good and bad news. The good news is that it seems I passed probabtion but I’m still waiting for the official letter!

The bad news is it seems like they will shaft me on th issue of food allowance which amounts to 3000 QR ($822)

I went with a colleague of mine to the manager’s office and complained and he asked us to write a statement of our complaint so we did. Now, the only thing to do is just to wait and see.

Jeff passed by the office during my lunch break, which was nice. We had lunch along with a friend of ours 3addasi at Hardees ๐Ÿ˜‰

I’m almost done with the shift and can’t wait to go back home for a nap then of course movies ๐Ÿ˜‰