I haven’t updated this blog for a little bit. The reason: We’ve been busy eating. For the past two weeks or so we have been overwhelmed by the sheer volume of food available for consumption, courtesy of my mom’s cooking and a myriad of dinners that we’ve been invited to by friends and relatives.
A number of my parents’ friends that happen to live in our area have celebrated my parents’ arrival by feeding us copious quantities of wonderful Jordanian/Arabic food. All of my cravings from last year have been sated. So far I have savored Mansaf, Maglubeh, Warg Dawali, Knafeh, Ma3moul, among other delicacies.
We’ve really been humbled by the degree of generosity and kindness we have encountered. My parents were even invited to a dinner by Ajlounieh’s parents, whom they had never met before. Tonight, we are invited to dinner at Leilouta’s place. Arab generosity never ceases to amaze me.
Jareer the generous
Glad to hear that, why don’t you do just that lol
Maglobeh is Jordaian in origin. It comes from the well-known -Jordanian expression: Iglib wijhak!
My pleasure..My post wasn’t spacific to this posting either..it was a simple observation.
As for the highway..I don’t own it, nor did I create it..I’m quite happy watching passers by..offering the occasional nonbelligerent meal..both mansaf and other delicacies are available.
Meanwhile..I’ll let you..finish your anthropological research into the origins of magloobeh.
“To make a long story short..the food which started this civil war is not the exclusive right to any side of the river, or any part of the Levant for that matter..unless someone somewhere has a patent signed by chef Ramzi..or someone of his culenary caliber.”
Thanks for giving me a good laugh.
And you obviously missed the point here, my post was not specific just to this posting, but either way, I’ll let you run up and down your highway.
Dear Shlomo,
I think the point lies within what you said..since when there’s a Jordanian Christmas?? well ever since Christ was born I guess!
Jordanian Blogging is fanatic? let me tell you something..people all around this “beloved” Middle East magnify their national identity..now we might agree that identitiy..in the wider sense..shouldn’t be shrunk into a small detail like citizenship, but you also have to know..that this highway runs both ways..if you shrink yours to have the exclusive rights for food..and apparently Christmas..you should also expect a similar response from others.
To make a long story short..the food which started this civil war is not the exclusive right to any side of the river, or any part of the Levant for that matter..unless someone somewhere has a patent signed by chef Ramzi..or someone of his culenary caliber.
Again, when someone is proud of having a “Jordanian Christmas”, its their right..its their party and they’ll eat what they want to..
With apologies to Lesley Gore!
Lets not get into the reasons why there are problems West of Jordan because it will open up a can of worms that many would not want to open.
As far as politicizing the food deal, I’m not, I just find this whole “Jordanian” blogging thing very fanatic. Since when there is Christmas the Jordanian way eating “Magloobeh”. Why can’t we just say te Arabic way for example.
This blog is called scribles from accross the Middle East, however, it should be Jordan’s blog. Nothing against Jordan, I like Jordan as much as any other person and more, but fanatic people bother me.
Sorry it may offend fanatics, but thats being honest.
No proof “3arabi” is a palestinian. he could be Sholomo for all we know.
Tis the season for sectarianism, factionalism, provincialism, and tribalism. Tra la la la la la la la la.
yes the food is OURS.
“Ours” ; You mean Jordanians, right ?