You know you are sleep-deprived when you go to the nearest Starbucks to get your daily caffeine dose and the woman behind the counter looks at you, smiles and says: "You need coffee."
Could I offer some advice on the effects of sleep deprivation?
1) Do not take coffee. It only increases the chance of sleep deprivation. Plus it doesnt give you the productivity boost you need
2) Exercise. Even a simple walk to the nearby grocery store would do wonders with your sleep habits.
3) Water. Water makes sure that you get hydrated. Hydration equals to better cell regeneration. Better cell regeneration equals to lesser chance of isomnia
Could I offer some advice on the effects of sleep deprivation?
1) Do not take coffee. It only increases the chance of sleep deprivation. Plus it doesnt give you the productivity boost you need
2) Exercise. Even a simple walk to the nearby grocery store would do wonders with your sleep habits.
3) Water. Water makes sure that you get hydrated. Hydration equals to better cell regeneration. Better cell regeneration equals to lesser chance of isomnia
More of those tips can be found here :
-Us will never rock Europe, EUROPE RULES
– “Cups & kilos” coffee in Jordan is pretty good, no need for the 30 minutes wait.
– The israeli dude here said it, its a matter of lyaltly, nothing more
He there Nattoush … how are ya ??
Mike, it that Atascadero in CA? I grew up in Menlo Park. The best maple bars in my memory came from the local greasy bakery.