So while the situation in the middle east rages, going from bad to worse as the violence spirals on by the day, honor crimes in Jordan do not appear to be coming to an end anytime soon. Now how depressing is that!
The criminal prosecutor on Saturday charged a 19-year-old youth with the premeditated murder of his sister, official sources said. The victim, a 22-year-old divorcee, was shot six times at the family home at around midnight on Thursday, the source told The Jordan Times. The suspect allegedly shot his sister in front of his parents and siblings following and argument concerning her alleged "immoral behavior," the source added.
"The suspect then headed to the nearest police station and turned himself in and handed the pistol allegedly used in the murder to officers on duty," said the source, adding that the youth claimed to have killed his sister for reasons of family honor. Source: [The Jordan Times]
Can things get any worse, really! When will people in this region have peace and enjoy basic human rights!
This is just about a brother mad about his sister’s behaviours, this happened everywhere around the world and is a common behaviour actually. This brother just happened to shot his sister. Really, if the circumstances are right, there’s bound to be a LOT of dead sisters around the world, doesn’t matter which religion the brothers belong to.
The terrorizing mass media who kept spewing out anti-God propaganda (doesn’t matter which religion, it just have to a God observing religion) just use this kind of event to say something like “See? God-freak makes a lot of mess.”
Now, if the brother had readed the Qur’an, he will find something like “maybe you might find something that you dislike about a woman, but God had created many good things in her” or something like that.
Don’t trust me? Read the Qur’an yourself! Just remember to look under ‘woman’.
Gorm the Dutch, you spew anti-muslim crap but you forget that some of the most horrific crimes against humanity were perptrated by White Chrstians. Want me to count a few? Crusades, Inquisition, Holocous, WWI, WWII, Nuking of Japan, Vietnam, Iraq Genocide (over half-million babies killed by sanctions), Palestine,…
Your comment is an extension of this virulent intolerance, but cloaked in liberal human-rights loving crap. The only reason you stopped committing mass murder Muslims in Indonesia for fun is that you got tired of killign each other in WWII.
Fact is, even if you add up all the crimes committed by Muslims, they won’t add up to a small fraction of the murderous track record of White Chrstians.
It may be true that yes these barbaric honor crimes happen in all religions muslim, catholic,sikh etc, however it is only in the middle eastern society that these crimes are accepted as a moral and decent act as a human being.
In no other democratic society would anyone allow the murder of your own MOTHER, DAUGHTER, SISTER, GRANDMOTHER! Women are an equal vital part of population growth. Without women NO man on the face f the earth would be able to survive. Women were needed to bring these sick barbaric men into this world so who the hell are they to treat their own blood and wives like dogs and second class citizens when they gave you your breath anyway.
All Middle Eastern women deserve respect and to gain their dignity. How can these perverted me deny how good they have their lives? A women to squallor at their pathetic lay feet. ARAB MEN make me sick and all muslim women should join together and put an end to this war once and for all by getting rid of all these Barbarians!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Women are an equal power and an equal force!!! All actions commited by wo\man kind are of equal importance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Gorm, hate to break it to you but this practice is not in any way limited to the Muslim community. You find honor crimes in Christian homes, in Sikh homes, in Korean homes, and the list goes on … it’s a cultural thing, not religious. In Jordan it has in no way been limited or connected as some sort of Islamic practice. Sorry to tear down your rant, but that’s just the fact. You need to do a little research and not just fly off the handle like that. Honor crimes are based upon a view of women that is antiquated and barbaric but is, unfortunately, part of the history of “man”kind.