Jordanian blogger Hamzeh has unleashed his anger at the Jordanian deputies who showed support for Zarqawi by posting this powerful image.
Meanwhile, Roba is disappointed by the lack of female protesters at the sit-in that took place today in front of Parliament. For sure, Zarqawi’s death and its repercussions have galvanized the Jordanian blogoshpere.
Informant. consider this:
– we are not a liberal democracy. official propagand is alive and well and is not subject to any checks and balances in Jordan. the “other” press is not allowed to conduct its own investigation, aka Haditha style.
– there was no independet investigation by the a neutral party, When hariri was assasinated, an invistigation was launched it its still going on.
-anyone can post anything on the web and attribute it to anyone. if you think this technology is beyond the reach of the average hacker, let alone the US, then you are straining to belive whatever you wish to belive. last time I checked, all you needed is Microsoft Voice Recorder or something like Cool Edit to tweak the audio.
– the official jordanian press is known to destroy the reputation of those it considers hostile to it. remember how Toujan Faisal was mistreated and accused of blasphemy?
– The US is known to defame its enemies, the US is known to have lied about far more serious issues (iraq and WMD, Qaeda link).
– With all of the above combined, many find a serious crediblity issue with any source info not vefrified by an independent party such as UN. Not conspiricay theory, just lack of credibility.
but for me, Zarqawi is someone i would never want to see in power for many reason, none of which have anything to do with the US or local official BS about what he did and did not do. to put it frankly, i am not in a hurry to see Iraq or Jordan turned into a Taliban state or even something remotly resembling Saudi Arabia.
See here:
and here:
Oh wait, that’s the BBC and AFP (the French!). They are both part of the conspiracy. We don’t believe anyone other than the Japanese or the Swedes.
But wait, here’s the obituary from Aljazeera:
Oh, we don’t believe them either. They are pawns of the regime. Like remember the time they published something against the kingdom and were expelled by the king and there was this big dustup between Qatar and Jordan, a guy was scheduled to be put to death for spying. But that was just a big game. They were fooling us, just playing around. Yup, that Jazeera, they are pawns.
These stories are all made up, right? I can’t hear you, sa7? I can’t hear you. Ya. Ya. Ya. Ya. I only believe what I want to believe. IAF good. Regime bad. I’m not listening. I’m enjoying my delusions!
I see Nidal. So you don’t believe Zarqawi is behind the terror attacks of 9/11. And you think that most Jordanians don’t either. Well, huh, you must have missed the memo. Zarqawi released an audiotape admitting responsibility as he attempted to justify and explain his actions. So, sorry, it’s not a vast conspiracy as you’d like to believe. And, despite your delusions, most Jordanians know that Zarqawi was responsible. For the doubters, his audiotape explanation was proof enough. I’m sure it’ll not be enough for you, however, as you’d like to lay the blame for most everything on the “regime” and the US.
I’m certain you’ve got some explanation for how/why/who made the audiotape. It must not have been real, sa7? BTW since you already regard them as the “regime” it’s pretty clear you’re aligned with the IAF way of thinking anyway, so it’s no great surprise to find that you think they are the good guys here.
Yes, Zarqawi is just a figment of our imagination; he’s not real. He’s not responsible for the deaths of innocent Jordanians. And better still, even if he, he’s justified, right? Because he’s fighting against the US and “the regime.” Sure, that’s what’s going on here. Keep telling yourself that. Enjoy the delusion.