Reporters without Borders has appealed to Arab media and Muslim organizations to speak out in support of Jill.
We appeal to the press of the entire world, especially in the Arab countries, to speak out in support of Carroll. The media must not limit themselves to reporting the news, they must themselves call for Carroll’s release. Muslim organisations in the United States must also intervene. Their help is valuable. Real solidarity with Carroll must be urgently demonstrated. People must act as quickly as possible and with the same energy as with previous hostages. Carroll’s US nationality must not be allowed to hold back the show of support.
We remind Carroll’s kidnappers that she is a journalist who has just done her job, which is to describe the conditions in which Iraqis are living. She is not responsible for the US government’s decisions.
I add my emphatic voice to theirs in hopes that more Arab and Muslim organizations appeal for Jill’s release as soon as possible. Both Aljazeera and CAIR have already made appeals. I hope other Arab and Muslim organizations follow suit and quickly.
All posts about Jill found on Mental Mayhem are categorized and can be found here. Those on the newswire — stories from and about Jill — are available here.
I heard that this hostage was being held by the same group believe to have Jill, though I can’t find the source.
Linked you on this here. And added you to the blogroll. What an impressive and informative place you have here. Thanks for the work