The Christian Science Monitor published a brief update today on efforts to get Jill freed:
Vigorous efforts are under way on many fronts –- by the Monitor, many media organizations, and government forces in Iraq -– to locate and secure the release of Jill Carroll, the freelance reporter kidnapped January 7 in Baghdad while on assignment for the Monitor. No one has yet claimed responsibility for her kidnapping
Meanwhile, blogger Riverbend has a moving post about Jill’s translator who was killed during the ambush in Baghdad on Saturday January 7, 2006. Here is an excerpt:
Everyone knew him as simply ‘Alan’, or "Elin" as it is pronounced in Iraqi Arabic. Prior to the war, he owned a music shop in the best area in Baghdad, A’arasat. He sold some Arabic music and instrumental music, but he had his regular customers – those westernized Iraqis who craved foreign music. He was a Christian from Basrah and he had a lovely wife who adored him- F. We would tease him about how once he was married and had a family, he’d lose interest in music. It didn’t happen. Conversations with Alan continued to revolve around Pink Floyd, Jimmy Hendrix, but they began to include F. his wife, M. his daughter and his little boy. My heart aches for his family- his wife and children..
Iraqi blogger Fairuz is organizing an online donation campaign to collect money to support the translator’s widow and I’ve run across an aggreagate of most if not all of Jill’s CSM articles. The picture shown here is of Jill at our place one day before my wedding.
Jill Carroll’s Abduction:
I am encouraged by the outpouring of support and the fervent prayer by the faithful to our God to secure Jill’s immediate release.
I’m also reminded of the saying, ‘Hope springs forth the Eternal’. We should be confident that God will hear our prayers and move her captors with compassion for the innocent and peace makers and allow her to rejoin her brothers and sisters, unharmed. Her plight is heard by the Allmighty God, Who will bring this to bear, shortly.
God Bless.
V. von Papen
I,Leroy Stehle will offer myself to be held by Jill Carroll’s captors. I would rather they hold me hostage than this noble,innocent woman !!! If someone could just provide me the ways and/or methods of contact with Jill Carroll’s Captors and of getting myself over to Iraq, then an exchange could be made. Hopefully, then I myself could meet with Usama/ Osama Bin Laden on his own terms to discuss either a total resolution of the US’s so-called War in Iraq ,why the US continues to be in the Middle East and/or the Real Hidden Truth to the US’s interest and invovlment in Iraq and the Middle East !!!
This young woman chose a dangerous game to play with her life. To go to a dangerous part of the world where she is just an american girl who will gain international attention. She is a prize to those who don’t value life.
Her abductors do not care about her world views or political ideals. They only care that she is gainning them attention. She is in the wrong part of the world if she expected to be a spectator.
I hope this turns out good, I see that it will be forgotten by all but those who knew her before she was abducted.
If only this sort of story would rally the people and turn public opinion on the US Government’s dealings with the Middle East. But it won’t! This girl will hardly get your co-workers to change the chanel from Lost or 24 long enough to feel it deep down inside their hearts the way that Jill’s family does.
Be brave and you open yourself to being a pawn for those in power. If you really want to make a change in the world, get into politics and write better laws. That would be a true testimat to someone’s convictions and strength. No one gets anything done when they are dead.
Jill’s abductors won’t change a thing and in the end they will never be caught. Many bad things will come from this, none of which can justify Jill’s death.
I hope that she comes home soon. Hope won’t end this story. Pain brings these storys to an end many more times than hope.
You Know Natasha,i haven’t been able to check the internet for a few days and I was thinking i want to know if things are all right with your friend Jill.Wish her strength and safety.Wish you all the best through this ordeal too.