The dominate topic in the Jordanian blogosphere as of late is the newly appointed Jordanian cabinet. It was discussed here, here, here and here. I really don’t have that much to add to what my fellow bloggers have already said. But I do want to highlight the fact that, sadly enough, I’m losing interest in cabinet-related news. Since I left Jordan in October of 2003, three new cabinets have been appointed. That is three changes in two years, which means an average Jordanian cabinet life span is down to about eight months.
Since my exodus, the changes went as follows: First, Faysal Al Fayez’s and his cabinet followed by Adnan Badran and now Ma’rouf Bakhit. When I first left, any minor cabinet change would grab my attention immediately, prompting me to religiously follow the story and all the developments. But three in two years is wearing me down. I’m starting to view cabinet reshuffles as more of the "same old, same old" in terms of Jordanian political development.
It does seem, however, that reform is the name of the game this time around as everyone is talking about it. The new government is promising real change while a major think-tank urges the kingdom to adopt quick reforms before it is all too late. Will it actually happen this time? Will the terrorist attacks of Jordan’s 9/11 wake officials up to the urgent need for reform? Only time will tell, but frankly there is a jaded skeptic in me that is not that hopeful.
One change that is really notable is the reduction in the number of women in the current government to a lonely one. That’s a disturbing drop from previous governments such as the days of Al-Fayez, when there was a record four female ministers. Why this drop? Is this part of the promised reforms? I wonder.
Lighten up please! It was obvious that the Jordanian people were affected by the Amman bombings in a very similar way to the Americans on 9-11.And it’s interesting to note that November 9 is written “9-11” in the ME and other parts of the world.
But back to the main topic.Perhaps there are not enough qualified women to fill the cabinet posts.Or is there a “good old boys” club that discourages or excludes women,as there was (or is) in the US? Things are changing though,and I believe there will be a female American president in the not-too-distant future.
Ah, the halfwit has Turned around with a comeback.
I obviously am illiterate (haven’t you read my earlier posts? they’re pretty stupid by all standards). As Hatem rightfully pointed out, these tangents are way off topic so if you wish to compete on who can overwhelm the other with more slanderous banter, let me know so I can provide you with the appropriate email address, thanks honey, hope to hear from you soon.
PS I am truly overwhelmed by your profound epiphanies …”suffering is suffering,” “all terrorism is bad”…by my troth, you are deep and almost as big of a visionary as your leader. Lets move this offblog, people have intelligent things to say here, and this is’nt befitting. Cheerios 😉
You are truly pathetic Hamako, if you read my last line you would see, if you are not illiterate, that I was saying all terrorism is bad, and it doesn’t matter the size, just the horrible consequences. Suffering is suffering.
The comments above aren’t matching the original text theme. Reform & 9/11 or 11/9/ are two separate and distinct matters.
The comments above should be either on the new cabinet or on reform.
Why do we always diverge as far away as we can possible go away from the main topic?
“9/11 was bigger, we like had it like so much worse, you guys in the ME don’t know how it is to be the subject of so much hate, lunatics are attacking my freedom oh my god, what to do, what to do, nobody can ever eunderstand our pain, nobody?”
This attitude of yours is why most other countries call you naive, sheltered and excuse my french, airheads. Why do we have to compete on who suffered more? The means were the same, the ends were in the same ballpark.
Get over yourself.
It didn’t touch people personally or individually in America? Please. I am in NO way dismissing or trivializing what happened in Jordan, it is very tragic, but I don’t believe it was equal. I believe you are putting words in my mouth, and “reading” BS into my statement. 9/11 was a terrorist wake up call for the World. Alot of the Western world, and media outlets, seen the Jordan blasts as another “Middle East ” bombing, like the thousands before. It did not get more than a couple days coverage. This does not lessen the horrible murders that occured. The only equal thing here is terrorists bombed and murdered more innocent people, and maybe that is all that matters.
Too bad you can’t see it Craig. The USA lost around 3,000 in its 9/11 and that’s out of a population of nearly 300,000,000 — 300 million. In Jordan, you are talking near 60 killed out of a population that’s somewhere around 5 million. If you do the math, you’ll see that the percentage of the population killed is actually higher in Jordan. Not only that, those in the blast were part of a fairly tightly knit nation, one where an attack of that size touched in some personal way the families of nearly everyone. While in NYC, while it affected the whole course of world history, it did not touch citizens of the US as personally, as individually (e.g. everyone knowing or being related to someone that was hurt/killed). That’s certainly not to lessen Sept 11 in the US. But rather to equalize what happend in Jordan. It is just naive to dismiss what happened in Jordan. First, its impact was actually greater relative to the population of the nation. Second, it might just be the beginning of a sea change. We’ll have to wait and see on the latter, but the former is without argument.
This is not the first time I have heard or read this, but this was hardly a “9/11” terrorist attack.