The family and tribe of al-Qaida leader in Iraq, Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, disowned him Sunday in a large newspaper advertisement. Local Jordanian newspapers published a large advertised statement addressed to King Abdullah II and signed by 76 members of the Khalayleh family of the prominent Bani Hassan clan, from which Zarqawi hails. The statement, which included the signature of Zarqawi’s brother, Sayel Fadeel Nazzal Khalayleh, and his cousins, pledged allegiance to the Jordanian monarch and denounced "all terrorist acts claimed by Ahmad Fadeel Khalayleh," Zarqawi’s real name.
It added the Khalayleh family renounces him, his acts and statements, insisting that "anyone who dares to carry out such acts against our Jordan has no links to Jordan and did not drink from its water; therefore, we disown him until the day of judgment."
Source: [UPI]
Has anyone seen this? I hope this will make some Zarqa residents that told the press on a number of occasions "We are proud of him," think twice before they give such embarrassing statements.
UPDATE: Here is the AP story via The Jordan Times
Bin Ladens family did this as well. I dont think it is anything more than symbolic.
Might his family be doing this to keep their neighbors from harassing them? Or is al-Zarqawi truly the black sheep of the family who never had their respect?Anyway,it’s nice to see the terorists sweat a little,and even apologize…sort of.Still,I find it hard to believe they knew nothing about the wedding party at the hotel in Amman.
And maybe one of the family has given him up. Reports are coming in that he may one of the 8 that blew themselves up.
Being disowned by the family is qorse than a death sentence.
Only now? This should have been done a decade ago.