Blogger Hareega drew my attention to Hajjaj’s latest cartoon, which I found both powerful and disturbing. In the cartoon dubbed "That’s how the world sees us," the renowned Jordanian cartoonist Imad Hajjaj refers to the findings of three recent polls conducted in Jordan:
1) 77% of the Jordanian population fear criticizing the government in public
2) 66% support Al-Qaeda
3) 87% approve of wife-beating
I do not know how scientific these polls are but I find the results hard to believe. While I believe the results of the first poll might somehow be accurate, I think the findings of the last two polls are exaggerated. I know my people, this can’t be true!
i was a dentist in jordan ,then i came to the us and iam a student now in colorado uni. international program to get my license .i have seen the difference . i don`t know if you would believe it, but i think the no. of cases of domestic violence directed mainly against women is at least a 100 folds more here in the us comparing to jordan .forget about the laws and all other stuff,and just look at the end result!
by the way ,
great web site
best wishes
Not for a goddamn meal
Today, I had the pleasure of meeting Leila Hamarneh, the projects director of the Arab Women Organization.
In the course of the conversation, a controversial report on wife beating published by the Jordan’s National Family Council was mentioned as…
Craig, you’re too sensitive buddy, i don’t know where did u reach such conclsuions from. I feel bad when i see my people saying they support al qaeda but al-qaeda’s ideology is to leave whatever you have in your hands (college, work, family) and go to carry “jehad-holy war” against americans. If someone truly supported that ideology he’d do the same and luckily enough nobody does.
Much of the crap Arabs are living in is attributed to brainswashing by religious scholars all over Arab countries, and those scholars and fundementalists have been supported by the US all thru the 70s and 80s in different Arab countries. I find the US politicians partially responsible for what’s going on in our countries.
Yes those who support terrorists are also responsible for what they’re saying, but terrorists care less about polls or what people think of them. IF the poll said only 1% of Muslims support al qaeda you wouldn’t expect them to surrender and stop planning for futher attacks. Know your enemy man!
It took decades to strengthen those terrorists and decades to build up their weapons, and decades for people to start supporting them (in the 60s most arabs would have looked at al qaeda as psychos), so it will also take a long time till Arabs and Muslims start having second thoughts about the real goals of al-qaeda, i can see that many Arabs and Muslims have started to.
Eh… freudian slip there, I said “nut” instead of “but”… sorry! My bad!!