I was delighted to see this vigil taking place in Bahrain where Muslim youth took to the streets condemning the terrorist attacks that happened in London, saying "Not in my name."
I personally hope a similar vigil can be organized in Jordan and across the Arab world, as it is a direct and courageous condemnation of such an atrocity. Who knows, this might turn out to be what Thomas Friedman is talking about in his recent column. Make sure to read Chanad’s blog for more details. |
Not In our Name
With everything there must be balance. So goes my life. I found this Via FlickrIt is a Solidarity movement outside the British Embassy in Bahrain. although numbers are small it is still something to see.
You’ll probably find the figures for Jordan worrying.
Not in their name
In the current environment, I found it inspiring to see some Muslims at least genuinely and enthusiastically denouncing the evil supposedly committed in their name…
It’s by no means a Reformation of the religion, as I argued for here, (and Irsha…