I have been following a really cool book blog entitled Moorish Girl for a while now and it got its hooks in me. This morning I was checking it when I found that the blog’s author, Leila, was giving away one of her favorite novels, Le Pain Nu by Mohamed Choukri, to the first person that e-mailed her asking for the book. So I got right in there. To my surprise, I was the lucky winner. She just e-mailed me asking for my address. Isn’t this so cool! I just love the blogosphere. It keeps getting better and better by the day. |
great book.. i just read the arabic translation about a month ago..which i bought from the recent book fair here in Muscat.. i loved it… hope u enjoy reading it as well… make sure to get the second part of the book الشاطر
for bread alone translates into الخبز الحافي
🙁 i never win anything too. okay, i won a spelling contest like in the first grade and from there, i thought i was a great speller and though i would never have to practice my spelling. errr. thus i am now a bad speller and still never win anything. wait i won those wango tango tickets from KIIS fm and got to see areosmith and the beegees. but thats it.
Hehe, my mom is going instead… School 🙂
At ticket to London…I hate you guys…