In light of the political revolution currently taking place in Lebanon, I’m really surprised to discover that the Lebanese blogging scene is extremely mediocre. I have been looking for impressive Lebanese bloggers for some time now but I haven’t found anything worthwhile.
Am I really such a bad researcher or is it possible that the Lebanese blogosphere is practically non-existent? That would be surprising considering that the Lebanese are among the most educated, articulate and techno-savvy in the Arab world (of course, that’s if they consider themselves Arabs).
I would be really happy to be proven wrong. I would love to find a vibrant Lebanese blogging community. Can anyone out there recommend any high-quality Lebanese blogs? You would make my day.
UPDATE: I stand corrected. Many readers drew my attention to a number of good Lebanese blogs. Here are some worth highlighting:
- Caveman in Beirut
- Ramzi’s blah blah
- Save Lebanon
- Shlonkom Bakazay
- Publius Pundit ~ a top-notch roundup of events unfolding in real time
- Naharnet ~ news and information (site can be slow)
Last but not least the Lebanese Inner Circle :
Thank you for the link. I will make sure to check it out. Keep blogging;-)
looks on this one:
i think it is new way of blog and archive.
Thank you Farooha for the link, I will check it out:)
This is a definite must click:
This girl only further exemplifies the idea I’ve always had about the Lebanese, Udaba’a, wa kuttab.
Check it out..
I stand corrected. I apologize if I was too harsh, I was just expecting more blogging from the great people who just toppled their government. I have been browsing some Lebanese blogs and some of them are quite good. I will update the post with some highlights.
Sorry, it’s been an emotional day…I guess I meant to direct my comments at Natasha. Pardon me.
And Arash,
Are you aware there are more Lebanese living outside of Lebanon than inside Lebanon? And to those of us that spent the better part of our lives inside Lebanon that do not live inside Lebanon now, does that dilute our identity as Lebanese? I wonder.
It’s kind of offensive you say there are no Lebanese bloggers worthwhile. I’m sure many of us might disagree with you Arash. Although I am only half Lebanese (and half Iraqi), I think I can speak for us all when I say this…
Too bad you see or efforts as too little…
We are working on it…that’s all I can say.