As part of a growing effort to take charge of our bodies, we have begun taking near daily walks in the evening. We began by walking around our neighborhood of Bin Mahmood but yesterday we took a very long walk along Doha’s seaside Corniche. We walked about five kilometers (for those that know Doha, it was from the Movenpick Hotel to the Sheraton). It was great exercise, although I’m feeling very stiff today.
The weather was just perfect and walking by the sea was extremely refreshing and uplifting. At the end of the walk we stopped by the Sheraton, a bit sweaty and stinky, and reloaded all the calories we burnt by heaving a Fosters draft and gobbling up a pizza. While we were there we ran into some friends going to the movies to watch The Notebook and they asked us to join them. For the sake of spontaneity we did — still a bit smelly and stinky by the way. I’m not going to be cynical and jaded this time. I will tell you that the movie was a love story and very sweet. It is worth a watch.
Before I go I will leave you with some pictures taken at the walk’s end of the Doha Corniche at night.

Hi Meloncholygirl,
Glad to hear from you. All is good here. If you are interested in taking a look at our picture collection, make sure to check out the gallery at
I sure hope to see more of you around here.
hey yeah natasha!!! how are you doing? i hope all is well…
i love the pictures-beautiful! thanks for sharing them with us…
u are gonna love it once you try it.
Well, Linda, they edited the fire out of it but we were not surprised as they always do that!
As for Yoga, Jeff has been ecncouraging me to practise Yoga for a long time and I will do that soon. I just need to leave this country first so that I can clear my mind;-)
If you take up some yoga, your body wont feel so stiff from exercising 😉
Wow, this is so beautiful and looks so romantic.
So u saw thenotebook too?that came out on dvd here and all my friends are telling me to watch it because tis so good. but im wondering, did the edit anything, because i am told the movie has many romantic and love scenes in it?