Last night we watched the horror movie The Grudge. If this is not scary then I don’t know what is. Ya mama, Ya mama!!! I was screaming and clinging to Jeff throughout the entire 90 minutes. I didn’t need to see that. It was too much on my poor heart.
Back to the story line, it was intriguing but had some loop holes — something to be expected in a horror movie. And personally I didn’t think the role of Sarah Michelle Gellar was all that necessary. She really didn’t do anything special besides being shocked all the time. For some reason, I was expecting to see her kick ass and slay some monsters. I’m sure the original Japanese movie was much better and perhaps even scarier. I’d like to put my hands on it someday. Yes I’m weird.
Wow, Wendy, I’m impressed:) You are fluent:) Thank you for keeping us on your mind 🙂
Natasha, bafakkar fikum yawmian! Ahlan wa Sahlan!
I would love to read this book. Thanks for thinking about me;-)
I will come find you when I’m in Amman;-)
I don’t know how you all can watch stuff like this! AAAHHHH!!! Even though LotR is my all-time world favorite, I can’t watch close-ups of orcs.
So, Metalordie, how is SWIII scary and morbid? It will kill my kids if I don’t let them see it, but they are too young for it if you are saying it is dark,. I suppose Anakin’s dark side dive and Padme’s death? Will reading on their website give up too much? I don’t know if I can stand it that the series is truly over.
Natasha, I have a book for you to read someday if the topic interests you. It is called “Arabs in the Shadow of Israel” by Tony Maalouf, Kregal Publications 2003. It is based of his doctorial thesis; a part I found interesting is how the English NIV translation of the Bible pertaining to Ishmael is influenced by anti-Arab Western sentiment.
My sister watched the Ring when it first came out and warned me against watching it. But I was really disappointed! I didn’t think it was that scary, accept for the little girl. She kind of freaked me out, especially when she would talk from behind her hair.
Hey teesh–
Duri watched this movie before me and it got him so freaked out so much that he actually told my friend and me that he would take us out to any restaurant we wanted for dinner if we lasted till the end..
unfortunately, i was severely dissappointed.. the scary parts were very predictable and it was too slow for my taste (i actually got to take a 5-minute nap in the middle)..
the ring was so much more scarier (IMHO).. that one freaked me out for days..
Note: I watched the original Japanese movie ‘ringu’ and was dissappointed.. the hollywood production was much better..
Ju-On is no better. I was waiting to be scared or even slightly alarmed during the whole thing. I am not looking forward to seeing Ju-on 2 or 3 (coming out this year) or their English counterparts, yet I may eventually watch them when they go to the dollar theater or become free on my MVP pass.
Hey Metalordie,
Glad we are disucssing non-politcal issues;-)
I have seen the ring, it was scary but not as the Grudge. The horrible creature in the Grudge was just too much man, I couldn’t take it!
Glad Ring 2 is coming out. But I have to watch the original version “Ringu” before I delve into the sequel;-)
Nah, you’re not weird. Actually, one of the saving graces of this movie was that they retained the original creator of the Jap version. They also set it in Japan, trying to stay as close as possible to formula.

I think the loopholes you speak of will be explained in – ta-da! – Grudge 2.
Have you seen Ring? Adapted from Ringu? Much, much scarier, with a very, very delectable play on shadows and the use of black and white.
You will remember that the early horror films of the 1920s and 30s (See original Nosferatu) played mostly on shadow work – light and absence of light.
Ring 2 is coming soon.
Having said all that, Star Wars III will be scary and morbid. I intend to watch it 47 times.