Well it seems that the majority of Mental Mayhem readers support the Iraqi polls. This is a good sign and a great way to start the day! |
Well it seems that the majority of Mental Mayhem readers support the Iraqi polls. This is a good sign and a great way to start the day! |
You might have noticed the vote looks different. We switched from a paid service that did not have any commercial overlays (GIF buttons, etc) to a free service. The paid service was not allowing the level of customization we wanted and was costing us $4 a month. [Yes, we love you that much.]
The free service allows for a lot of customization. I’d recommend it to anyone thinking about a poll. We use stylesheets (CSS) on the site. This poll’s CSS provides classes, meaning we are able to control lots of little things in the look of the poll. But even the default poll looks nice for those without CSS.
With this new poll we also changed tactics. The poll now allows you to vote multiple times, something we didn’t let happen on the previous votes. They must be spaced apart by about six hours or so. We think this might encourage more voting enthusiasm.
We’d also welcome any feedback you have on the look of the poll, its placement or any ideas you might have for future surveys.
Where are the “mathematicians” ? Numbers do not add up! One of the votes (or about 1% ) did not count. I know that vote was lost in rounding down numbers, should’nt it be rounded up, not down! Anyways,good luck to the Iraki people; do you think there will be “hanging chads”, or too close to call results? Oh boy, that might ignite another war. We are used to 99.99999 % kind of results in that part of the world! Long live democracy.