As part of my desperate efforts to lose a minimum of five kilos in two months, I have decided to write down a list of banned items, which I should not approach or even fantasize about. Here’s the list of no-no’s:
- French fries
- Burger
- Fried chicken
- Beer
- Chips
- Chocolate
- Ice cream
- Sweets
So far I have not sinned. Let’s see if I can sustain the will-power. Staying away from chocolate is killing me. I’m now going through the "withdrawal" phase!
Jareer, thanks for addressing it as a man. I was hoping you would. I ‘ll just keep my head up and dark glasses on. 🙂
Before you come to a conclusion, that all was a sarcastic way with some exaggeration to self criticize a phenomenon in the society that people rarely address. Putting it in slow motion, or under a powerful microscope, will definitely alianate people from such spontaneous practice. Just relax .
Natasha and Jareer, thanks. Now I know the name of what I have been experiencing, except the step you missed when they whip off the sunglasses. The eye-popping grosses me out. It REALLY scares me that men do this while driving.
What is a non-obscene gesture I can make from my car to these guys to express my dismissal of their stare? And as Linda, a verbal response? Usually I say “Would you want my husband to stare at your wife like this?”
What an invaluable cultural tool I have gained from you guys!!!
Hey, is Bijiff Jaff said by the person who is being stared at or the person doing the stairring? Because if it is used by the person being staired at, the translation in englsih could maybe be “Take a picture, it lasts longer!”
Let me explain it to you in slow motion” biji77 ja77″.
First, you have to admit that what we call ” tawkeed lafzi” has no parallel in other languages; at least not in English.
Second; some Jordanian expressions have no parallel even in Arabic.
The meanining implies the following in slow motion.
1) You look at something (staring)
2) You like it
3)You pop your eyes out of their sockets to become closer to object.
4)Your ears become now like a radar
5) You do not blink no matter what; no distractions even if the object is a human being looking at you to ambarras you.