This is the official mascot that was chosen for the Asian Games that will be held in Qatar in 2006. I personally think it is beyond hideous! |
This is the official mascot that was chosen for the Asian Games that will be held in Qatar in 2006. I personally think it is beyond hideous! |
excuse me..it was AaAa not rick (=0=)!
I think he is SUPER CUTE! Its a great character design. those who hate it can’t create HALF of what the charecter designers did. The name is suitable and so adorable, and just like what Rick over here said its the oryx a very great example of an animal that represents Qatar and the gulf countries. Have some respect. Losers with no taste piss ME off!!! >=(
ahaha lol You’re right. But it’s not the Oryx that is at issue here. It is a lovely animal and obviously, it’s greatly respected and well protected in Qatar. It’s this huge colored blow-up balloon that they stuck down on the Corniche. It seems to me that it mocks the natural, wonderful qualities of the real animal. It’s not anger that either of us felt so much as frustration. They took something that Qatar cherishes and it commercialized it and in such a tacky manner. That is hideous!