Yep, yet another private radio station in Jordan. Way to go Ammannet. The radio revolution in Jordan is really worthy of praise. The kingdom is, without a doubt, entering a revolutionary period for media and communication. Below is the press release: |
AmmanNet Receives OK for FM transmission
After five years of broadcasting over the Internet, a local radio station was approved tby the cabinet on Tuesday its request for an FM license.
AmmanNet, the brain child of veteran journalist Daoud Kuttab will be heard in radio stations throughout the capital in the coming months, according to its founder. "This is truly a momentous occasion as Jordan will enter the age of independent radio broadcasting, "said Kuttab.
The license for AmmanNet doesn’t include news reporting, but the stations founder and owner feels that it has enough municipal issues, cultural, social, and economical and sports programming to satisfy the culturally hungry Jordanian public. "Since the new Audio Visual Law was enacted, all the stations that have been licensed have broadcast only music. We are sure that the public is interested in a more holistic approach to broadcasting in the form of a community radio rather than just entertainment radio."
Kuttab expects the new FM station to be operating by the spring.
Speaking of the Arab Media
Eagle-eyed readers may have noticed the new Featured Project on the left sidebar.
It’s a small-scale project in Jordan–run by a small NGO called Searc