Isam and I have been discussing the possibility of setting up a meeting of Jordanian bloggers in mid -December in Amman since I will be there for the holidays.
I can think of many bloggers that might be interested including: Roba, Ammar, Nader, Ahmad, Zeid, Jad and others.
We are putting forth Dec 19 as the date, which will be right before we get busy with year end festivities. So if anyone is interested, please holler so that we can confirm the date and agree on a location. I’m really looking forward to meeting my fellow Jordanian bloggers. I hope it will work out.
Nader, I just sent you some details through meet up. The place where we are meeting is Blue fig at 7. And of course you can bring the “commenters and the readers” as well just give me the final number so I can do the reservation.
Well, I think I know how many of the bloggers look like, so don’t worry we’ll find each other;-)
By where to meet ? I meant how am I gonna know you all (since it is now set to Blue Fig) I guess.
Natasha, we really need more info. Are you gonna do a reservation?
Are any of you getting a friend or something?
Should only bloggers attend or can Commenters and readers attend too 🙂 ?
Were will we meet and how ? I mean mored details.
of course Hind. We’d love to have you. Now we are seven;-)
i’m in too i guess that’ll be great just keep in touch please
thanks alot
Great:-) Now there are six of us;-)