Below is a list of things that kept me plugging this week:
- Oscar Mayer hot dogs
- The Dave Mathews band
- Scrambled eggs with Tabasco
- Our ADSL connection
Ah, the simple joys of life.
Below is a list of things that kept me plugging this week:
Ah, the simple joys of life.
Mansaf…not my most favorite food…I like the jameed from Karak though. Meat in Jordan…I just can’t get over it being killed earlier that day and then hanging outside the butcher shop all day.
I still haven’t figured out how to explain to my Jordanian hosts that I prefer they serve majaddara with fried onions instead of spending the whole day cooking mansaf?
Luai, how can you be a Jordanian and not eat meat? Man, this is sacrilegious;-) Does this mean you never give Mansaf a chance when you are there? Ah, the shame!!
Premium turkey Parts 🙂 Only the finest hand selected, hand sliced, unbruised, undiseased meats for those dogs. I’ve never had a hot dog…but bologna. Now, that is good stuff. A little mayo and mustard on wheat bread. Yum yum!
If you havent read it already, you should read The Jungle, Upton Sinclair ( Although it’s from back in the days…I am sure the meat processing is still done in the same way. The USDA inspectors can’t possibly see everything. Have I succeeded in converting you into a vegetarian yet? I am not one, but I still refuse to eat meat while in Jordan though. 🙂
You are missing out on life big time by not giving scrambled eggs with Tabasco a chance;-)
Oscar Mayer hotdogs are different;-) These are a high quality turkey meat. I’m quite sure they were not made of animals’ waste parts found in cheaper dogs. They are just too good. DMB rocks. I love “Typical Situation” “Dancing Nancies” and “Satelitte”.
Welcome to Mental Mayhem. We are gald to have you here. Please feel free to post your feedback anytime.
Yes, CSI is great fun. We rented the whole first season a few days ago and we are almost done with it. The scientific part of it is really quite intriguing.
Are you referring to Starbucks? **wink wink**
my sehoor last nite was hot dog…n my total addiction recently is CSI…season 4 z a blast…just ordered CSI miami..but keepin it for the boring days…oh its my first time to comment in ur blog…salam there 😉
Do you know how they make hot dogs? If you enjoy them that much….I don’t suggest you find out. 🙂 I would certainly endorse DMB and the high speed connection.
Tash, scrambled eggs with tabasco? Yuck. But I agree with Ameen-a good cup of coffee is the best!
true true … for me, it’s a Bol at Chipotle (, a good cup of coffee, and driving alone in the empty streets of Amman at 4 am …