For all the Starbucks lovers out there (Roba, can you hear me?), I found a really cool blog by the name of Starbucks Gossip. The site keeps the reader updated with Starbucks latest news and is open for comments and discussion.
Take a look. It is quite amusing.
by the way natasha, the place on the 7th circle is called abu tal3at not al talee3a
thank you
abu tal3at
Hi Everybody,
I am a swiss citizen, I’m quite exposed to all european cultures. I have recently been to Jordan, and I was amazed by the popularity of Starbucks among Jordanians. As a swiss..a european, we look down to any american franchised establishment that is simply trying to duplicate any european concept. We find the quality of starbucks coffee very low, and obviously made of robust beans. Starbucks is deeply involved in exploiting coffee farmers in central america and Indonesia. Lastley, Starbucks is well-known to be an inportant contributor for extremists-jews and pro-zionism organisations.
Deal with starbucks from the perspective of (matter of principle) rather lifestyle and cool trend that we have to try.
starbucks is owned by a Zionist and yes his involvement in zionism does reflect on his company just as many Pro Arab companies in american have been shut down due to the CEO’s personal involvement with Arab charities and ideologies! So the door swings both ways is how we should all see it…i am originally from Bethelhem and I grew up practically in Jerusalem hanging out with my freinds in the Cafes on Jaffa St. one thing I do love about the Israeli Jews (even though I cant stand them) is their way of thinking..Which is:anything that isnt owned by a fellow Israeli should not be frequented by an Israeli…Try to find any Made in China clothing in PAlestine 1948 or Palestine 1967! you cant majority of the clothing is Made in Israel or made by Israelis….So when Starbucks opened in Palestine 1948 the Israelis werent so happy because it pushed Israeli owned cafes liek Cafe Hillel and others out of the picture..which led to boycotts and led to closing their stores down! you think Arabs will follow those footsteps one day?
It is not always easy to prove that companies that have been on any international boycott list have been directly involved with Israel or its army, but thanks to Schultz’s public involvement in Zionist charities and Zionist rallies, the Starbucks case is perhaps easier to prove.
Starbucks has been doing a great job at covering their tracks when it comes to evidence leading to their financial support for Israel and the Israeli army. The company logo used to be featured on many Israeli organization websites and after the Boycott emerged, Starbucks has asked these Israeli organizations not to use the Starbucks logo and basically asked them to not publicly declare any Starbucks donations.
Howard Shultz, the chairman of Starbucks is an active Zionist. In 1998, he was honored by Israel with “The Israel 50th Anniversary Tribute Award” for his services to the Jewish state. His work as a propagandist for Israel has been warmly praised by the Israeli Foreign Ministry as being vital to Israel’s long-term public relations success.
I concede, I see your point Natasha.
You can usually catch me in “Al Talee3a,” a hole in the wall on 7th circle that serves boiling Tea. In a vain attempt at shedding my west amman skin.
I see your point Ameen, but as you know we really don’t have many choices here in the Middle East.
When you have to choose between coffee “Abu Al Abed” sold on highways and Starbucks, I will go for Starbucks;-)
I’ll say it again. I hate Starbucks, and forget the anti-globalization sentiments (I’m a Friedman fanatic), and all the zionist conspiracy theories. It truly is bad coffee, it might be better in the Middle East, as is McDonald’s, but here it’s generic coffee. I much prefer independent coffee houses, where coffee is a passion. A similar parallel is Blockbuster vs. true Movie Buff Indie Video Stores (my local fav, where they have West Beirut, Good Bye Lenin, L’auberge Espagnol, and all my other fav artsy fartsy, trying to be hip movies.
Wow bobo! I’m not sure what you are using for washing-up water, but if you’ve got some to spare I’ll take some. It sounds like it’d be a damn site cheaper than a tall latte.
Starbucks suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks… it tastes like used washing-up water.
LOL!!! I love their “Somebody has to monitor America’s favorite drug dealer.
” 🙂 so creative. One more blog to add to my every-day check list 🙂 Thanks for the tip Natasha!
Interesting. Starbucks are springing up everywhere which gives them “neighborhood” identity. I think that is a good thing. The one closest to my sister, is next door to Blockbuster Movies which is also open to 11pm. Killer combo and a favorite hang out of so many of all ages.