Reader ‘Dunkin’ asked me my thoughts on the Rachel Ray – Dunkin Donuts controversy. I have been talking about this issue extensively with my coworkers lately, so I’ll just reiterate myself here. I’m extremely disappointed that Dunkin Donuts backed down and listen to a misguided blogger, who is obviously oblivious to Arab and Muslim culture and diversity.
My grandfather, Saliba (whose name means ‘cross’ in Arabic), wore his Kuffayeh almost his entire life. He never took it off. When he used to go to church, he used to take off the rope circlet, which is placed atop the Kuffayeh (iqal), as a sign of respect.
The Kuffayeh is part of the national dress of a whole nation. It is a shame that it is portrayed in this light by a misguided and (I hate to say it) bigoted blogger who referred to the Kuffayeh as "the traditional scarf of Arab men that has come to symbolize murderous Palestinian jihad." It is unfortunately true that the Kuffayeh was worn by extremists during some of their actions but the acts of a minority should not stain the rich and diverse culture of an entire population.
Ms Malkin, my grandfather, Saliba, along with my uncles and cousins have nothing to do with what you referred to as "murderous Palestinian jihad," so you are way off base here. And it is a shame that Dunkin Donuts complied to these bigoted remarks by an ignorant yet influential blogger.
dm, so if they did have her wearing a kuffayeh, then that would be wrong?
I think the whole thing is ridiculous. Rachael Ray is wearing a scarf…a black and white plain ol’ scarf. Nothing more. I highly doubt that Dunkin Donuts had a Kuffayeh in mind when they shot this commercial. Leave it to the “ultra-conservative” FOX news commentator to turn a coffee commercial into something more just for her own political agenda!
Sorry, but you’re the bigoted one here. The same symbol can mean different things in different places. What matters is: what does thu symbol means in the place where it’s being shown.
If you visit the Zombie site, which documents demonstrations in Berkeley CA, you’ll notice that the anti-zionist crowd usually comes wearing Kuffayehs. So, regardless of what such dress means in other countries, in the US and Europe, it is a badge linked to particular political beliefs.
These are not political beliefs with which Dunkin Donuts would want to be associated. It did exactly the right thing in pulling this ad.
In India, Hindus regard the swastika as a symbol of the sun god. This doesn’t mean that Dunkin Donuts should have ads with Rachael Ray wearing swastikas, does it? In order to show an understanding of hindu culture and diversity?
Comments on the Bama claiming the Democratic Nomination and the idea of a Clama ticket (Clinton and Obma). Also the possibility of a Mcdool ticket (the combination of McCain, Jindal ticket).
How would these teams affect the Middle East, particularly the Palestinian issue. Won’t ask about Jordan, because they tend to suck up to whoever wins and get their money either way.
Well said!
I think what happened is something with a big magnitude because this will lead the Arab to hide their identity out of fear to be labeled as terrorists. I am not sure whom to blame here Michelle Malkin, Dunkin’ Donuts, or we the Arab who think of our traditional costume as something from the past that need to be hidden and forgotten.
Ah, whoops, thanks Khalaf for pointing it out. Just corrected it. I wrote this post at 6:30 am in the morning:)
Natasha, you say your “grandmother” Saliba. This, obviously, should be corrected.
I wonder what Malkin will say if the terrorists start wearing Michelle Malkin masks!
You just gave the author of the blog full justification to say what she said.