Doha: The dullest place on earth

Ladies and gentlemen, I live in the dullest place on earth, at least according to the Lonely Planet website:

Around the Gulf, Doha has earned the unenviable reputation of being the dullest place on earth. You will be hard-pressed to find anyone who’ll claim the place is exciting. That said, there’s nothing wrong with Doha – you’re unlikely to get shot or mugged or die from cholera.

AAAAIEEE!!! Take me back home where I belong!

The “rebirth” of the second circle

Amman's 2nd CircleFeb. 15 will mark the “rebirth” of the Second Circle in Jabal Amman with a new “green” look, offering citizens and drivers on the busy streets of the capital a pleasant sight as well as a place to sit.

Implemented by the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and the Amman Chamber of Industry (ACI), the Second Circle project includes renovation and maintenance work on the site, estimated at JD30,000. Zahran District GAM Director Iman Maaytah told The Jordan Times that preparations and coordination with the ACI to implement the project started in June last year, and the actual work commenced on Dec. 18.

She said maintenance work was recently carried out from the sixth to the third circles, adding that the work would proceed to the First Circle soon as part of GAM’s efforts to add aesthetic touches to various important locations in the capital.

Source: [The Jordan Times]

Well, I hope they don’t mess it up, as it already looks rough. It really is one of my favourite places in Jordan. Why couldn’t they just leave it intact! UFF!

Affliction Day

Amin Matalaqa, the US-based Jordanian movie maker I talked about in an earlier post has a new film. Entitled “Affliction Day,” the movie is a must-watch for those who harbor strong feelings one way or the other for Michael Bolton. The short flick is actually quite amusing. Here is the link.

My first bamya

My first bamya

Today was a day for rejoicing. I made my first bamya (ocra) ever. The result was unexpectedly great. And the husband is willing to confirm this. I have been wanting to cook bamya for over a year but since I’m the queen of procrastination I kept puting it off.

But two days before we left Jordan last week, I went to my cousin Manal’s place, where she taught me all the tricks of making superb bamya. I tried it today for dinner and it worked wonderfully. Here is poof. Go ahead. You can click it; it gets bigger.