The 17th “Arabian Gulf” Cup

Arabian_gulfThere is a huge sports event taking place in Doha these days. It is called “The 17th Arabian Gulf Cup.” The name of the event would not have attracted my attention had I not been closely following the latest Iranian uproar over the use of the term "Arabian Gulf" in National Geographic [see related] rather than their preferred Persian Gulf.

I wonder how Iranians will feel about the name of this regional, heavily-marketed event held in Doha. The press is all over this event with their headlines using ‘Arabian Gulf’ popping up all over the globe. I guess this is a smart way for the Arabs to market their side of the story. Arshad are you there?

The soundtrack of my adolescent years

Ahmad Humeid wrote a very nice piece in the Jordan Times about the advent of private English radio stations in the kingdom. He also suggested ways to improve long-standing Jordan Radio’s English language FM station. It is worth your time to take a look.

On the same note, the mere idea of flipping through radio channels while in Jordan will be a novel one for me, as the English FM station had always been my only choice of audio entertainment.

For me, part of growing up in Jordan was spending hours listening to pop tunes on Radio Jordan alongside the ramblings of the loud, obnoxious DJs. Those were fun days. There is no doubt that the music of Radio Jordan FM was the soundtrack of my adolescent life. I do not think I can give it up, despite the advent of these alternative choices.

Saudi story of the day

Teens flogged for graffiti

Two Saudi teenagers caught writing graffiti that praised former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein and Osama bin Laden southwest of the Saudi capital have been flogged as punishment.
Security sources on Thursday said the two teenagers, aged 15 and 16, were caught after police and residents of Namas city in the southwest of the kingdom found graffiti scribbled on city walls this week.
The graffiti included praises of the al-Qaeda leader which said: "Long live bin Laden, the prince of Jihad (holy war)."
Punishment by flogging is enforced in Saudi Arabia for a variety of offences.

Source [News 24] via [Jihad Watch]

24: The first season

24: Season 1

We just finished watching the first season of 24 and what a treat it was! It’s probably one of the best shows I have seen in a while. What made it unique was the unexpected development of events all during the show and the ‘non-Hollywood’ ending that kept us on the edge of our seats.

Keifer Sutherland’s performance was exceptional. I just can’t agree with anyone criticizing the role as he presented it. He is indeed the star of the show and one of the main reasons behind its success.

We are leaving in a bit to return the six-disc set, which contained all of 24’s first season. We are hoping to get our hands on the second season. It might be hard work to watch all of it before our trip to Jordan, but we’ll manage somehow!