Of the many new and interesting things we saw on our recent trip to Sharm, I found the room in this house very intriguing. The building is called The House of Skulls and it is found at the entrance to St. Catherine’s Cathedral right in the middle of the Sinai Desert. As you can see, the room has skulls neatly stacked on top of each other. According to our Egyptian guide, back in the old days the caretakers of the monastery would separate the skulls of dead saints brought to the church from the rest of the bones of their body and display them in this manner we believe to honor them in some fashion. We got to peek in on this room through a gated metal door. There were many tourists jammed in to take a look at the skulls so, unfortunately, I didn’t get to examine the room as closely as I wanted 😉 Curious stuff eh? The picture is courtesy of my talented husband, the photographer of the family 🙂 |