Mariam’s blog

My Jordanian friend Mariam, who is now based in Saudi Arabia, has started her own blog.

The journal is actually quite intriguing as the violence in Saudi escalates and the country struggles with what to do as expats begin an exodus. I make sure to keep an eye on her blog whenever I can.

The DaVinci Code

Nothing much is going on nowadays. I’m working mostly the horrible B shift (from 3:00 PM until 11:30), which basically eats up my whole day!

Nevertheless, I have been enjoying Dan Brown’s The DaVinci Code. The book is quite engaging and a real page turner. It discusses the ins and outs of secret religious societies, very intriguing!

Meanwhile I’m still eagerly counting the days until I begin my annual vacation….. 30 days left!

Sex and the City

We finally put our hands on the fifth season of Sex and the City. It is a surprisingly hot commodity here in Doha. We have been dying to watch it since we basically moved here. We finally got it. We watched four episodes last night and can’t wait to see the others.

I still enjoy the show but for some reason, I felt the fifth season was not as funny and as witty as the previous seasons. Don’t know, maybe it is still too early to judge.

I finish work at 8:30 tonight and Jeff is coming to pick me up to go the City Centre — Doha’s biggest mall — where we are planning to get some food and watch The Human Stain. I saw the trailer last week and it looks like it might be interesting.

On movies and more…

Yesterday was a fun, relaxing day. We spent it mostly chilling, cooking and watching movies. In the evening we went to the Australian pub at the Rydges Hotel. It was ladies night, so the lady, me in this case, got free drinks.

As for movies, only three of what we have seen lately are worth mentioning:

1. Big Fish: It was such a nice movie. I loved how reality and fantasy intermingled. The film played like a very pleasant fairytale.

2. What’s Eating Gilbert Grape: I saw it for the first time last week. I was amazed by the performance of Leonardo Di Caprio. I mean, the guy can really act! His acting was just amazing. What happened to him? What made him take on roles in horrible movies such as Titanic and others?

3. Rain Man: I know it’s a classic but I saw it for the first time yesterday. What made the movie was Dustin Hoffman’s performance. Tom Cruise did not impress me much.