Once again Addasi got us free season tickets to Qatar Total Open 2004.
It is a huge event in which international women tennis players compete right here in Doha. The championship includes some big names like: Jennifer Capriati, Anastasia Myskina and others.
We are very excited about it and glad that I’m not working the coming two days.
I have been feeling productive today for some reason. I finished the Tunisia proposal and already submitted it to my boss.
Last night I finished The Eye of the Sun, a brilliant story recommended for women who are torn between East and the West.
The next book on my reading list in Eleven Minutes by Paulo Coelho. My Lebanese friend Amal gave it to me today saying it is a must read. We also finally managed to watch Lost in Translation. We had been on the waiting list for almost weeks then two days ago, the DVD rental shop sent us a text message saying we can come and collect it. I thought that was sweet.
My weekend starts in an hour and I can’t wait. Tennis Tennis, here we come.