Another article on Ahmad Khalidi’s work has been published in the Jordanian press. This time it was in The Jordan Times. Way to go Ahmad!
A painter who ‘paints to live and lives to paint’
By Hada Sarhan
AMMAN — The moment one steps into the hall where Ahmad Khalidi is exhibiting some of his works, one enters an irresistible world of color. Titled East and West, 20 of Khalidi’s works give an obvious and solid expression to his passion for nature, life and love, all persistent themes in this series of paintings on display at the French Cultural Center.
The artist’s work betrays his interest in finding answers related to identity and to the eternal query of who we are. "Through my work, I attempt to answer questions such as ‘What is the barrier that separates one from the other?’ and ‘Why do we create this barrier’?" said Khalidi, adding that whatever point of view one stands for, the "other has and will always exist."
Khalidi works in a variety of mediums, including oil, water-color and recycled materials, such as wood and paper. "I want to use all languages and tools to express my feelings and dreams to effectively communicate with spectators," said Khalidi, a member of the Irish Photographers Society.
Among the assemblages are works that aim to highlight social issues such as the contrasts between west and east, and in particular west and east Amman. "I want to invite viewers, through the paintings and the multimedia show, to take a closer look at the culture of Amman," said the artist who participated in several exhibitions in Jordan and abroad.
Most of Khalidi’s works occupy the center of the canvas, leaving the background an abstract explosion of color where red, the color of revolution, as he called it, dominates.
"Red represents contradictory concepts, such as love, desire, hate and blood," said the artist. Khalidi believes that color is the main element in an abstract work. "Color is a product of inner feelings and memories," said the artist.
He paints "to live and lives to paint," for art, for him, is a necessity, not a luxury. Born in 1973 in Kuwait, Khalidi studied art and design in Jordan. He moved to Ireland to specialize in the area of graphic and interactive design. The artist is currently working in the field of digital media in Amman.