I hope I’m mistaken but it seems the US media has gotten into a fairly recent frenzy about Jordan-related news that has a distinct Not without my daughter flavor about it. Here is one example with headline:
Estranged Jordanian father charged in Ashby kidnapping
The estranged husband of an Ashby mother who has not seen her daughter
in 11 years was arraigned in Ayer District Court Wednesday on one
count of kidnapping of a minor by a relative.
Mhad Kadter, a citizen of both the United States and Jordan, was
arrested in Ohio with the cooperation of the FBI, the National Center
for Missing Children and Interpol.
And yet another:
Kidnapped boy, now 15, reunites at last with mom
For 14 years, Kathleen Ziadeh longed to see her only son, Zaid, who as
a toddler was abducted to the Mideast by his Jordanian father tired of
life in the United States. During those years, Ziadeh and the child’s grandmother, Barbara
Dooley, lobbied U.S. presidents and Jordanian royalty, sought help
from the State Department and courts overseas, and even had the weight
of a national newspaper columnist behind them. But none of their efforts succeeded in bringing back Zaid or easing their heartbreak …
Dear Michael,
I can only feel the pain of your heart. I am sure your love is very deep for your childrne. I guess, a mothers love, is a gift that a man can never really feel, nor is a mans love for their children of that that a mother can feel. I have to say, as raising a son alone, and it was very hard, that IF you love them, be there for them, try to guise them from where you are. As parents, love never dies as will your childrens. I guess a Mother at times, can feel in her heart, what would be a safer place for them. Like someone pointed out. Are there drugs there, inner City crime, gangs, and something that a child should not see through their eyes, and we as adult have a hard time seeing through the eyes of our own. It is Michael a very sad world we live in today. So much going on, and one would like to protect them from this. Think about them, and what YOU want for them, and where you feel it is a safer place to be. GOD BLESS YOU, and may he guide you through the journey of an ever lasting love that YOU will always have for them.
Michael, I am so sorry. There is a British civil rights group called “Fathers 4 Justice” which campaigns for a child’s right to see both parents. The founder is Matt O’Conner.
Use family pressure with your big clan and make sure your kids get messages that you love them and want to be with them.
Maybe you need to look with your wife’s eyes at the situation your kids were in. Are drugs and gangs prevalent at school? Unless she really is insane, moms usually have a better intuition about their kid’s environment and you may need to consider a move to encourage her to come back. I’ll be praying for you and will try and get an email out after I call the US Embassy here.
my wife and I are both american jordanian, however my wife could not adjust to living in USA, she took my kids to Jordan at no return and filed for custody. I am working and living in USA, I am in great pain, don’t know what to do and miss my kids like crazy. Anyone would help me out here. She is claiming that life here in USA is not suitable for the kids, she is insane. help me out here. Any resources, legality i can fight back with. thnx, please email me at michaelhadd@yahoo.com
as my good friend who speaks hebrew says, “Oey Vey” kinzi.
Linda, you are up late today! Thanks for clarifying. I have more to say about what you mentioned about colonists and Europe but no time.
I hope that Jordan doesn’t get to the point, though, that the definition of abuse and assult is so watered down it has no meaning as it seems to have in the US.
Kinzie, just by saying there is assault here, does not mean i am denying there is assault toward women in jordan or around the world. what i was trying to do was to show you it happens every where and this is something that needs to change. the middle east will change over time, hopefully. beating your wife was allowed and encouraged here when the colonists came to america. it was allowed and encouraged in europe. but over time, things changed, and i believe over time things will change for the middle east when it comes to these situationns.
Linda, the difference is that the word “assault” in the US can be stretched to define such ridiculous actions as a nasty look or come-on. Here you can “lightly” beat your wife if she doesn’t obey and it is ok.
There is racism, though…when Elizabeth Smart was missing there was also a little AA girl missing too who was later found dead. No coverage. The Smarts knew how to play the media machine.
Jareer, you are right, thanks for the correction.
Lloyd i nlive in the US as well. and i watch some of those 24 hour news networks and it not all live. they starte to repat everything by 9 my time. and i ask you this, whose kidnapped or abused children get major attention? and im talkng about major attention on the cable news netorks, not a five second piece in the local evening news. People like Larry King and Greta Van Sustren dedicate entire shows to these missing children or women, and i noticed a theme. they mostly tend to be White missing people. Just recently it was Jessica Lunsford. There was Elizabeth Smart, Laci Petterson. Why does this happen. Well many factors play a role.Is it raceism? no i hope not. Is it classism? Im not sure. But most stories reporting on this topic say they are in the news business so what ever story looks good and sells to the public, then that is the story they will go with. so when news here covers a missing child case, im sure their heart is some what in it, but its all about selling the story. If it was not, they would cover each missing child case in this country, and when that happens, then we can say at least news organizations care.
I’m over here in the US. A couple of things I want to point out. US media has 24 hours of programming to fill; way too much. Womens rights are at the top of the list of American priorities, that is, women are considered equal to men. And lastly, kidnapped or abused kids get major attention; it is every mother and fathers worst nightmare.
I read about this case somewhere, but I would really appreciate it if you can provide me with the latest update.