It has been two months since Christmas past and still the husband insists upon keeping the Christmas wreath on our front door. All my efforts to convince him to remove have been to no avail. One day with Amal’s assistance, I even took it off the door and hid it. It didn’t take the husband more than 10 minutes to find it and put it back up there. For some reason he can’t let go. We can’t keep a Christmas item on display forever, can we? Isn’t this supposed to bring bad luck or something?
I’ve about reached the end of my rope here, so I’m appealing to the Internet community at-large to convince my dear hubby to remove this decoration from our door. If you think I’m in the right here please make yourself heard. If you side with the husband then go away … kidding 😉 You can try to convince me if you must.
hey natasha, why dont you take that wreath and put it on metalordie’s desk and see how hee feels.
Beef Ore I read Hubby’s comments I was like “Go, dude, go” in total support of keeping the wreath on the door for as long as it takes.
Then I took another look, saw how beautiful it was, read Hubby’s comments, and now have taken an entirely militaristic view of the situation.
I am hereby calling on fellow wreath supporters to stand guard outside Apartment #12.
Anyone attempting to take it down, pull a Zarqawi on em.
Sorry, Natasha.
Kinzie, is it 15 feet long?
Whoa, you two, you’ve heard from mom now!
I’m with Jeff…it is a beautiful wreath, not necessarily Christmas-y or kitsch, and many people have wreaths up all year round. I have a grape-vine wreath up bistimraar.
Linda, are you still looking for a bag for that tree? How about a wedding dress bag from the dry-cleaners?
For several Christmases past we were away on Christmas Day and most of December, so only put up very minimal decorations and had no tree. However, December 2003 we had a ceiling high tree, all white lights, so beautiful and cozy that we left it up until April. It was a cheery spot in our dark house, and because I was involved with cancer from Jan03-Sep03 and often was sitting in that room resting, it stayed up until warm weather. The cat also liked to sleep under the warm lights.
Our tree in 2004 went up just before Thanksgiving and is still up and shining. Hopefully, hubby and wife will get to see it before it comes down in the spring. If you ride around this town even now, you’ll see many people with their Christmas lights still shining, especially the white lights. They don’t take them down immediately like they did in years past.
Natasha, you and Jeff will work this out in the best way possible, love, Mom
The Tynes stuborn streak is (in)famous! I suggest you stop talking about it and let it be. Eventually, Jeff will decide to remove it—but these Tynes men are also incurable romantics…surely you’ve noticed that by now. I think that’s why they are attracted to brilliant, independent women…just to balance themselves!
Love, Aunt K [via transfer from LJ Syndicated feed]
Or you might suggest getting a shadow box frame and letting Jeff create a collage with it about your first Christmas together…then it could hang on the wall…inside the apartment as ART.
To those of you who’ve shown support (you know who you are) don’t worry, I’m not bending. To the scrooges out there, listen: You come live in the drab world that is Qatar, then come up into our little hallway and see if something as simple as a wreath on the door doesn’t put an extra bit o’ zip in your step.
Ours is the only door painted that sort of brownish color as well. We didn’t do that, but I liked the distinction. And I like the wreath. It’s not so much that it’s a Christmas thing either, though that’s still cool with me. It’s just a little bit of life in an otherwise dead building.
I’ve told the wife I’ll take it down without a fuss if she provides something else equal. We’re leaving soon, as well. So the whole “It’ll be around until Christmas, stealing all the Christmas juju” argument doesn’t hold water. We won’t be here next Christmas. The wreath should stay right where it is unless a suitable replacement is provided. My apologies to the neighbors 😉
Roba, Get out of here;-)
I guess from all the comments, the husband should surrender. I will keep you posted;-)
Natasha, I’m not going away 😛
Jeff, don’t succumb! It’s gorgeous!